AK bean brains catalog

Ike’s humboldt afghani

I was talking to Dave and he loves the cherry/pineapple flavors. Really amazing old school afghan!


Has anybody ran his Kali Mist f4? I have a pack I was considering popping next. Was one of my faves back in the day.


Any skunk in the terps?

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When I get into the pack and work it with my clone I’ll be glad to share some progeny…


Not that I ran into, but very limited sample size, 2 females.

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Lemon Star F2, It is a real smooth smoke already, light in the lungs, you can take really big inhales and hold them, and it has a nice clear almost cough free exhale. With it beging smooth and light you just want to keep hitting until you hit that point and your lungs explode.

It does have a somewhat lemon taste much less than I would have expected. Smell is muted as well some lemon but the rest I cant put the smell into words. I can say it has no fuel, diesel, chemical, musty, green, sour or earthy smells. It is a pleasant smell that I like. The smell kind of reminds me of those fun dip candies, the powder you would dip the sticks into for the different flavors.


After the first hit I start feeling up maybe a little bit more happy and content. I get a light feeling in the head, my eyes/mind seems to notice more details as well as my ears.


Im not getting any sleepy or down feelings after two bowls. Its not making me bouch off the walls or go to sleep. It is a nice mood booster for me.

I rate it 4.5 coughs out of 5

Edit- It might make you sweat a little bit.


Outdoor, New England, 44 Lat

Black Domina IBX was the earliest to start flowering in my garden this year. Gonna be some gnarly chunky buds by the looks of it…yum.


Nice looking Black Domina @Klyphman ! I have only run the ‘95 black domina bx. Kept a cut, here she is outdoors in a 3 gallon pot. I have a thread about it on here. I harvested her last year first week of October at 42 N. Was one the the earlier plants, but I have had some black domina’s go till the end of October.


Thanks @Radicle_Reefer . Yours look nice! I’d been eyeing a Black Domina from AKBB’s list—either the Sohum or the 95–when the IBX popped up. Apparently it adds an east coast cut to the other two.

I’ve got another one of these at a buddy’s place. It is a few weeks behind this one, but seems to have similar bud shape.

When I first started growing, I purchased seeds from a random Spanish seedbank (only once, ha), but got some Black Dom as a freebie. Finished 3rd week Oct and was knock out weed. I’m looking forward to harvest. I’m doing a seed increase, maybe we can swap some genetics come fall, :beers:


I have some of the so hum black domina I need to run still. I can’t wait to see how the garlic bud changes it compared to the m10 in the ‘95 version.

We should link up! Dm incoming.

Keep us posted on both your black domina i bx’s! Hope it is a good harvest.


Lmk if ya want some gen. All share now

Here’s my skunk#1x great southern tredkill Alaska skunk/x black roadkill afghan…they seem to love nitrogen…terps in this not orange guava old shoes rubber earthy musk.these are lemon zest matches, sulphur bo and ass was hopeful for rotten meat


Hello everyone. New face here in the thread. Id like to share my single ( candyland x black domina bx ) freebie I popped this year. The only survivor of the 3 I had left but has been kicking ass since I put her in the ground.

Smells are strong with this one since stem rub. Im getting a lot of whiffs of skunk when I walk by but when I rub the resin between my fingers im getting a lot of hash / raunchy sour tones. No fruit so far.
Not getting the most sun compared to my garden at home but she is proving herself to me. Only applying IPMs for pests and letting the native soil do its work. 41 N here


He always works old-school… anything that’s a super skunk cross is super skunk 91 the skunk not the fruity lemon super skunk…his Americana big skunk was my favorite…nasty terps…that was a Waco cross. It was Neville’s haze a,c x white widow…seed bank of Holland Neville’s gen…Dave’s a g and I respect him and know he’s a real badass…he beat cancer and is still rolling and positive a good dude and homie…ide roll with akbeans before bodhi


I love your plants​:sweat_smile::grinning::grin::laughing:

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Beatrix choice

She is starting to stack up. Has a nice purple leaf and very minor pink pistils after that 39F last weekend.


Just received my first order from JBC today, with my first packs of AKBB beans.

A few days ago I emailed AKBB to ask for his seed list when he’s selling direct. Found out that I paid $100 thru JBC for a pack that AKBB would have sold for $60 lol (Skunk Qabbage x Mango)

Definitely gonna order direct next time. The problem is that the list is so damn long and everything on it sounds like I’d want to grow/smoke it :seedling:


JBC Restock on some strain and three new strains. This one sounds good


Oh, he loads up direct orders FAT.


You find pbj terps and skunk lmk .I heard that genetic is dank


Sounds pretty fucking nasty. I’m in…