AK bean brains catalog

Hello! Good morning everyone!

I just posted this post in another thread:

I’m going to repost it in this thread because I’m sure my question will have more visibility in the specific breeder thread.

I have a question about the parents that were used to create the 907 Blue Genes seeds from AK Bean Brains.

In the photos that @Kushman71 shows in the previous post you can clearly see handwritten (Vintage Blueberry x Blue Moonshine).

I looked for that package on the net and found it in two sellers

In one it is simply:
907 Blue Genes (local Ak blueberry strains)

And in the other:
AK Bean Brains – 907 Blue Genes (BB x BB)
MAMA: Kink Goosebay Blueberry
PAPA: Vintage Blueberry

I am really interested in the papa being Blue Moonshine, for a little personal work.

Can someone confirm which parents were actually used!? :pray:t3:

Thank you all very much


tknl5haze female that is going to be getting some of the love powder from the two males.


Is that a super skinny cloth pot?

Hey OldGator!
I know I’m late to the party here but I’m really interested in this strain and was wondering if you ended up popping these and how they turned out?

it is. i built out a small footprint 3d printed autopot base that uses 5 inch diameter 1 gallon fabric pots that are tall and skinny. It is sitting on a tray2grow in this picture though.

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