Aladdin kush by khalifa genetics. tester journal

After seeing the write up and buds of this strain I think I’m going to cut her up and do a proper run of her :upside_down_face:. Should take some time. But will most definitely be worth the wait.


Time has been going by and I have not posted for a bit. Things have been vegging and thats about it. One is lost in the jungle but here is one. She needs a steak. I’m going to be cloning these for a larger run. So stay tuned.


Two phenos I’m noticing ones twice as tall as the other. One is short and stout. Doing very well under the led with the mums.

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The other is the one zip tied to the orange pole. It was having issues standing. Just like this other one. So some netting or support may be necessary or needed for this strain. I plan to have it under a net.

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Here are mine at 27 days. These are some of the easiest growing plants and I am loving the spacing in between nodes. Curious to see how the smell develops, so far so good.


How did these turn out bro?


They didnt, they got all stretchy and i culled them.

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Fair enough. Thanks for letting me know bro.

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How did your ones turn out slowloris?

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No problem man.