Alex's perfectly mediocre grow

Hello! Here’s my first grow diary, here or anywhere else online! I’m hoping to not be lazy and keep it relatively up-to-date. This is maybe my 8th or 9th grow over the last five years, all have been indoors in the Northeast in my basement. Current equipment and media:

  • 3x3x6 tent
  • One of those Viparspectra 150W newer, dimmable LEDs, currently at around 75% power
  • In late veg I’ll add another 95W QB.
  • 5 gal air pots a friend gave me last year - haven’t used these before, but they seem fine.
  • Coast of Maine Stonington blend with a hefty addition of perlite.

I had germinated and potted a number of old freebies in some started pots, but only 3 of them made it - I usually have much better success, I think I buried the seeds to deeply this time in their seedling pots. Here’s what made it:

  • Barney’s LSD - I’ve grown this before and enjoyed it. It was a very low-stress plant to grow and I liked the resulting yields and effects.
  • Nirvana Master Kush - this was the last strain from the first pack I ever grew. I also found it to be low maintenance, but the smell and effects were pretty meh. On the other hand, maybe that was a result of me being new to growing at the time.
  • Bodhi Terpenado - I’ve grow a couple Bodhi varietals before (Space Cake and Blue Sunshine), and have been happy with each. We’ll see if this ends up being female, I might just let it pollinate the other two if it’s male, as I already have lots of flower from past harvests sealed up in the freezer.

These all started in the first week or two of April and were transplanted to their big pots in early May. They’re looking pretty happy right now, I haven’t added any nutrients yet, just pH’d water. I’m planning to follow Coast of Maine’s feeding schedule and will top dress with their plant food in about a week. I’m super-lazy (or busy with work/family stuff), so I’m trying to find the most minimal, consistent system I can. I’ll setup the Blumats in these pots toward the end of veg. I’ve only had to water once in the 2+ weeks since I’ve transplanted.

Hopefully I’ll post some info in here that’s eventually useful to someone else. Here’s some pictures from right after transplant:

And here they are looking bigger and better just a couple days ago - the Terpenado is obviously way out in front of the other two:



Looking good.
I’ll follow along. I love these smaller grows im sure you will teach me a few things :laughing:


Taking a spot in the shade under a tree to watch, best of luck on your run.


Thanks, you guys are all so fast to reply/follow, especially with newer users; really keeping this community hummin’ along! :smiley:


A grower is a grower bud, no matter if it’s your first plant or if you are a 50 year veteran. Does not matter how long you have been here, Overgrow the world one plant at a time :v:


Pulled up a chair and looking forward to seeing you grow some bud and hopefully make some seeds too :grin:


Aaawww yeah looking great fellow air-pot grower!!!

:fist_right: :fist_left:


Seeds you say? Sorry, couldn’t help myself :rofl:


You’re off to the Races, for sure. I’m going to dash in ‘n out until I return. Until then, respectfully reserve that far right corner. Just scoot that one plant over. Not much, I’m a small guy :laughing: SS/BW……mister :honeybee:


I’ll take a seat over here in this corner. Looking great!


A fellow New England cellar dweller! Nice plants!
And welcome! :+1:


I am just going to have a seat a enjoy the grow from over here!

Hope the Master Kush and LSD can catch up to Tepenado… :call_me_hand:


Down for the grow show my friend. Some great choices, Nirvana does make a nice Master imo , and Bodhi…. Well he’s the man himself so anything from his hands is sure to hold gems. Good luck and on with the show


Yeah I’m curious about how this MK will turn out. I definitely screwed up the last mile when I grew it 5 years ago - did a wet trim and then jarred it way too early. The plants were nice and healthy with a great aroma before I chopped them, I just made that new grower mistake of turning that aroma into pure hay! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Anyway, it was a good lesson, my cures since then have been consistently better.


Glad to hear it, I’m sure it will be much better this time around. Need any advice just ask? Plenty of great people here very willing to help

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I’d use them too if they weren’t a damn fortune ! Lol I’ve wanted to pull the trigger for years, but 40 airpots is like a damn paycheck :man_facepalming:t2:

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I have 15x Orange, 2x Green, 2x Yellow, 10x black (1L) & 1x Blue (for the ΩPot)


I blame (& thank!) @Slick1 for this.


They’re still growing nicely, slightly warmer temps are probably helping. I top dressed with the Stonington plant food and watered last night.


Well, it’s been too long since the last update, things are happening!
Here’s all 3 plants about a week ago, right when I flipped to 12/12:

The Terpenado appears to be male, so I guess I’ll grow some seeds! I also turned on the second light and fed all the plants a little more of that Stonington plant food and top-dressed with some earthworm castings last week. Here are each of them today


Master Kush


Last two have a little bit of nutrient burn (I think), but other than that, it’s been a very uneventful grow (which is great). Looking forward to posting some “sexier” pictures in the near future.


:heart: :fist:

Looking great all round @alex !

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