Fall 22 - Longtooth heads back inside

So my recent outdoor adventure didn’t fare too well. Bugs and weather just wouldn’t cooperate. :frowning:

Oh well - time to take it back inside for the cooler season.

Here’re the candidates for our next harvest!

“G13 Haze” a freebie from MSNL (feminized)

“Purple Soul” from Bodhi (regular)

“Granny Stella” - an f1 pollen chuck from me granddaddy purp x “Stella” an outstanding sativa dominant bag seed offspring. (feminized)

“Durban Poison” from Nirvana (this one is going to be a standard for me). (feminized)

“Vale Tudo Round 1” from Copa (2nd attempt - these are regulars - first was a doood)

“Colin OG Rbx” from Ethos (2nd grow on this one - hoping for a different pheno). (feminized)

Growing in Foxfarms coco loco.


That is what I am afraid of so stay inside.
Great line-up.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Quick update photo.

Vale Tudo Round 1 leaning hard…. May have to prop her up.


Weekly update


Vegetative Phase

  • 3rd week from seed
  • 600-watt MH
  • Fox Farms Coco Loco
  • 18/6

G13 Haze - feminized

Purple Soul Bodhi - regular

Colin OG Rbx Ethos - feminized

Granny Stella (granddaddy purple x Stella) - feminized

Vale Tudo Round One Copa - regular

Durban Poison - feminized


Looking good my dude. I’ve never grown outdoors myself. Kinda thinking about for next season but worry troubles are my worries. Lol


FIM day

Everyone gets a “haircut” :grin:


Weekly snapshot


Weekly snaps

A few minor issues, but not unhappy with progress.

FIM turned out better on some vs others.

Purple Soul showing some suspicious damage. Might be from sloppy FIM or it might not. (?) It’s not progressing and similar damage is not showing on the others, so that’s good.

No sign of pests either but it’s still time for IPM treatment before up-potting.


So - I’m an amateur. I’m still learning everyday and in no way am I suggesting others do as I do.

To me, this is a useful hobby for a lifelong toker but I am limited in the amount of time and effort I can donate.

My needs are easily met without utilization of any arcane methods or the latest greatest way to help plants do what they desperately want to do.

Simply put, I’m not growing for profit or maximum yield. I’m learning how to grow, experiencing different strains and getting high on what I supply and that’s my primary goal.

I have a certain stubbornness when it comes to technique, still using HID in some cases, but have a Mars Hydro FC-6500 LED that I’ve been using when I’m running a secondary space for breeding or quarantine. I’ve been reconsidering using it as my main hooptie, although the Mrs. believes they are inferior and tells me that every chance she gets.

Still using standard pots, but acknowledge honeycomb or octo pots or bags work very very well. I think my preference ATM for standard 7-gallon containers is really about sunk investment, ease of re-use and durability. I’ve tried bags and to me, I just don’t like how they recycle (or don’t). They are not easy to clean, and awkward.

I may switch to octopots or start using the honeycomb one day. Just happy where I am now.

Again, I’m not saying my methods are better or even good.

But they work for me. :slight_smile:


This week our babies are growing very fast under a 600-watt MH in FF coco loco. They are receiving 18-hours of light daily and need watering every 3rd day.

Fert at 1/2 strength.

When watering or fertigating, I PH to about 5.9 and am seeing runoff at about 6.9. :thinking:


Time for “up-pot” and round one of IPM neem treatment.

Triple action Neem via one-hand pressure sprayer.

7-gallon standards

Transplanting and IPM treatment are stressful for sure. This will slow them down to be certain.

Most folks would not do them in the same day. I’m pressed for time though and hope that combining both will result in a single stress period hopefully mitigated to some extent by lowered light and recuperation.

First step - clean em up -

Soap, water, and disinfectant spray.

Next step is preparing the coco loco.

I’ve been using Fox Farms products and have been mostly satisfied.

This may, however be my last run with that product (Coco Loco). It just seems too inconsistent. Two out of three bags were running around 7.2PH and the third was at 5.8. 🫤

I add fine powdered dolomite lime at a rate of 1-Tbs per gallon. I try to lightly wet and thoroughly mix. I also add about 20% more perlite for drainage and volume.


I “ghetto sterilize” with boiling water, pouring about 2-gallons through the medium.

Then we leave the steaming heap alone for 12-24 hours to cool someplace away from bugs.

To speed up things and still ensure the soil is not still painfully warm and root-aggravating, I PH a gallon or two of cold water and run it through for good measure, and measure output PH to get an idea of where the medium is at.

7-qt oil drain pans from the dollar store work great for drainage

We then take them outside and use the one-handed pressure sprayer to apply neem.

drying out after IPM treatment


Now time to transplant!


Back in place in the veg room. No HID. -just overhead blue spectrum LED for the next day part.

No, the hood is not connected to an external output.

The attached in-line fan helps to keep the bulb cool though and gets the warm air away from the tops. It’s not the most effective, but it works.

I bought the hood with a cab/tent in mind, but never ended up using it in such a space. :man_shrugging:

It works well enough in my veg room

I’ve found in veg, one doesn’t really need a heck of a lot of light. 600-watts MH HID - (I know… I know……stuck in the past) works just fine with two-sides flat white and the other two open. No need for a cab here or additional reflective materials.

That’s all for now! :slightly_smiling_face:


WAY TO GO!!! You seem to have a Plan, and things are under control. Continued success, SS.BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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THANKS! :relaxed:

They don’t seem too bad today!


Not at all, they look great!

Tagging along :slight_smile:

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Thanks!! :blush:

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Following :sunglasses:

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Dr. Bugbee’s videos have me motivated. Going use the Mars Hydro FC-6500 as the main light for these in flower.

Weekly update:

About a week after transplant.

-Not looking too bad. Canopy is all over the place though. Some stretching. The MH probably needs to go to 1k or I need to pull the trigger on additional LED for veg room.

Three of the pots are in coco loco that is running around 7.2PH. (Blue stickers). Three others are running at about 5.8PH. (Red stickers)
This was not by design, but rather an example of Fox Farms production consistency. I’m ph water/fertilizer to offset.

Will be updating flowering room soon with the Mars Hydro FC-6500.

Fall 2022 Class - Still in veg - one week post transplant

Fall 2022 Class - Side shot to show height differences

Granny Stella - showing her sativa side

Purple Soul - seemed to respond well to FIM

”G13 - Haze” - not sure if this really is G13 - has a pepper smell FWIW

Durban Poison - should have topped this one a few more times

Colin OG Rbx - happy with the shape here.

Vale Tudo Round 1 - a little leggy - needs some pruning and maybe some training


Going to change things up a bit this time out. Time to change out the bulb in the veg room. 600-watt MH has been good, but since we’ve got a 1k ballast, might as well?

Switched in the 1k enhanced Metal Halide. We’re only a week or 2 out from the flip, so we’ll try to drive them hard in the interim.

Once we flip, it will be Mars Hydro FC-6500 until the chop.


Babies have moved from the nursery to the big-girl room.

Still need to raise them on stands to get them closer and also need to tweak the room with cord management and humidity control, but lord, it’s bright.

@MarsHydro Mars Hydro-FC6500s freshly hung - different driver (we used to call them ballasts didn’t we?) this time on the latest edition. This one is LG vs Moso.

Have not yet successfully linked them for unified dimming control. Wondering if there is a compatibility issue.

Room has good airflow and temperatures are staying around 73f. Humidity running around 40% - going to have to fix that.


Deep sigh

Looks like my Copa gear this time out is swingen balls.

Once again Vale Tudo Round-1 is in fact “Vale Dood-oh”.