All the gear... no idea!

Hey guys,

Quick question to everyone, i have a tent & lights etc all lined up, just need to buy them now. I just have a few questions for you lovely guys & girls…

  1. will i be ok with my tent in the roof? I live in the uk so no extreme temps about but in summer/winter the loft can get rather hot/cold, does anyone have experience with this? I was hoping my tent with the lights & fan etc would deal with this.

  2. Does anyone have a reputable source for seeds (i will be buying online as tough to get seeds locally). I was planning on using the SCROG method so are there any varieties that work specifically well with that??

  3. Can people recommend me their favourite feeds etc for their plants please?

I am obv planning on making this grow my own but to start with i would be up for using some ingredients/ideas from some people that have done this before.

I look forward to hearing what you all have to say :slight_smile:



from this yanquis perspective…

you might want to consider the privacy invading IR :video_camera: used by the :cop: :helicopter: :spy: before setting up.

i have zero experience in the matter :smile: but understand there is IR blocking film.




Hey @Reece77

What kind of light are you going to be running? If your going to use hps I would recommend a cool hood of some sort.

I’m my experience with attic grows. You need the tent well insulated as the fabric alone will not help control temps in summer/winter.

If you can intake fresh air from your house then extract out to outside this will help keep the temps more stable as drawing air in from the attic will be too hot in the summer and too cold in winter.

I would try Attitude for seeds myself. Always spot on and you get freebies.

Nutes is horses for courses really. I use Ionic Coco Nutes and have had zero issues with them since switching.


Cold winters will be a problem at night, Hot summers will be a problem during the day.

The area that you grow in should be able to maintain fairly stable temps and humidity. An environment not that different from what you might enjoy.

Post pics when you can, always helpful.

Good luck and welcome aboard @Reece77!



I grew in the attic for years. It was too hot for 3-4 months over summer, so I’d shut it down then. Growing the rest of the year was easy, but the attic was insulated. If the insulation is in the floor of the attic it’s going to get cold up there and be expensive to heat in winter. But in fall and spring it temps should be OK.


@anon58740919 has experience growing in the UK in his attic :smiley: Tagging you up bro


how cold does it get at night in winter??? does it go below freezing?


…are we worried at all about “camoflauge” requirements?
if so, planning your exhaust/intake should consider that aspect. if not, fuggit.

i remember one setup i’ve seen used a lot of ducting in a crawlspace and that was the home’s heating, no furnace used at all on a 2-2500 sq. ft. home. :smile: of course those were old HPS lamps.

odor control might be a concern, and carbon filters need replacing, so factor that as a recurring cost.

is the attic structurally sound? water is heavy. :lifter: so if you want a sea of green in DWC, go to the basement. hehe



I’m in the US, but Seedsman is a very reliable european seedbank, and an official retailer for some very good breeders. The vault is another option based in the UK but I don’t think their pricing is competitive.

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Cool tube. Lights on at night. Preferably insulated. Pray it doesn’t snow. I don’t miss growing in an attic for sure. :joy:


Heat rises. Other than having nowhere else to situate the tent I have no idea why people choose loft spaces :joy:


London seed centre are good. Normally 3 days from order till they are in your hands. I use skunk24 a few times. Based in Poland. Takes around a week to 10 days for delivery. No option of paying via card. Either cash in an envelope (not a chance id ever risk) or bank transfer. Cheapest seed store I’ve found

I know some guys that drape fibreglass insulation over the tent
keeps the temps stable and lets less heat warm the tiles so less likely IR would see it.
Not sure they are looking that hard these days


you could boobytrap like an Indiana Jones wannabe:

:laughing: cuckoo clocks


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Do it snow where you live?

If so you should think twice, about growing in the loft/attic.
You need to insulate the roof!
Done right, this will also make it possible to grow there in the summer.

When it’s not done, it looks like this.

Hiding your tent with fiberglass blankets, alu foil and what not, will not help anything if the first snow blows your cover.


LOL! I wish i could zoom in on the delivery transcation at the door! :laughing:



It’s from a bust in Holland, so I don’t think it’s a delivery any of us would wish for.

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Hey guys, thanks for the replies so far :slight_smile:

I live in my own house with my partner (who knows whats going on) but we only have a 2 bedroom house with the 2nd being an office/spare room. Due to this im not able to put the tent in there as not everyone i know thinks along the same lines as us plus im not sure i could fit it in when anyone was to come over to visit. @Esrgood4u i think until i get another house with a garage/extra rooms this is my best option… @cannabissequoiaim not too worried about camo etc as was only planning on a small grow each time so it shouldn’t be noticeable.

My loft is only insulated in the floor so i think it may be difficult to control the temps as well as i would need too without getting extra heaters/fans etc. Not to mention the air intake/extraction, i was hoping this would be ok to just do in the loft but thinking about it after reading your comments @Bongedtobits makes me think i would need to do some serious DIY! haha

tbh im not sure what to do now, i thought i had a great plan but kinda having second thoughts now after seeing your replies & how no one really likes (or does) grow in lofts etc

I may have to do some more planning and see if i can maybe do a little DIY for the air intake/extraction…

If anyone has any more thoughts/ideas id love to hear them, otherwise i guess its back to the drawing board for me for a little while.



Convert an old unused wardrobe situated in your bedroom into grow space. Most of the fan and extractor is mounted inside. Only issue I can see is light leaking into the room when the lights are on. People often do conversions such as this :+1:

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You can cover the front part of wardrobe with some landscaping fabric/weed control fabric then clise the door it works really well.