Ventilation issue

Hello OG people

I want to venture into doing a small indoor grow seeing as it is now legal here north of the 49th.

I’m looking at a 4x2x6.5 tent…my problem is I live in apt style condo and my ventilation options are about zero other than running a duct to my bedroom window which the wife ain’t to keen on.

Any other suggestions I’m thinking I can’t be the first person with this problem.

Any help would be appreciated.



I have a 2x4x6 tent in my apt. I have a 4” inline fan with a carbon filter. I intake and vent from and into the same room.

Works for me. I could run some duct to a window but I haven’t found the need. Maybe in the dead of summer but so far no issue.

And welcome to OG :slight_smile:


Thanks foreigner I will keep that in mind. Glad to be here!


It has been a very long time, probably about 25 years, since I grew in an apartment. Last time I did I remember venting to the bathroom vent.
Worked for me, wife still wasn’t super happy but it was better than the window.


Thanks Bullitt
I’ve pondered that but the whole logistics is tricky with bathroom door having to remain open

Yep, that’s exactly why the wife wasn’t happy about it.

run a carbon filter and decent fan, im in a similar situation, but also consider you may not want to run super stinky strains regardless


My tent is in my spare room (basement suite) connected to the laundry room with the furnace intake. With a 4 inch fan and filter it manages fairly good. The upstairs neighbors cant smell it and I can only get a bit of smell if I’m in the room with it when they are flowering hard. If I crack the window 1" then there is no smell at all

And that’s intake/exhaust from the same room

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Thanks grease monkey I’m not in a house situation unfortunately I need more discreet measures.

Having in and out in same room is fine
Having the in , in the room , and then the out to a different room even better ( through wall )
And obviously having the out vented to outside even better again
We do the best we can in our situation , I would play the long game and my number one priority would be to keep the wife happy : ) sure you can always tinker tweak the set up down the line

Buy a good inline fan ( soler Palau / s&p ) and a fan controller
Also a mountain air carbon filter
These shall also make her happier : )


Thanks everyone

I just sent a long post but cause I’m computer challenged not sure where it wound up. Picked up tent yesterday from hydronics place in town. Paid online and picked up using drive through.

Anyone have a personal review for LED?


Check these out:

This is the light in question -

This is the mars sp250

Physically they look very similar.

What jumps out at me is how the phlizon junks out in the corners. The spread doesn’t look so good.

The mars sp250 is a lot more expensive so that’s another factor.

I have a TSL2000 for the same space and I’m pretty pleased with it.

However, I’m sure the phlizon will work fine if you’ve got your heart set on it.

All the best.

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Thanks foreigner. I’m only doing 2 plants max so I’m hoping the outer edges will not greatly affect growing and I can upgrade when I can afford a better light. I have time so i’m gonna shop a bit.


I just bought another marshydro TS1000…if you run a low odor strain (jordan of the islands, northern lights) and the right light you can use a carbon filter and recirculate the air and be fine.
I didnt even hook my filter up…

Edit: I grow 12/12 from seed. I find it keeps the smell down.


For 100 more bucks I’m leaning towards this unit I don’t like buying junk. Light spectrum is waaaaayyy better thanks @Foreigner

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@ParanoidParadise, how gas this sp250 worked out for you ?

waiting for delivery of a marshydro ts 3000, was £520 from amazon after a little searching marshydro sell them for £380 no post, is from usa i’m in uk so i have to wait 4 weeks but i had over 2 months spare time till needed, is a great saving should have it by next week