Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

Congrats on the harvest, my friend :v:t4:

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Thank you brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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I’m getting to know the intensity behind the words “Trim Jail” :crazy_face:

When it rains, it pours :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Harvested , washed and hung dry the outdoor Lipsmackers…
Outdoor plants does seem to mature faster in my location…

Outdoor SLH

Approximately, indoor Super Lemon Haze= 200 grams including larfs
Outdoor SLH= 100 grams from 3 clones…

Big oops…
Still this much SLH yet to harvest LoL :sweat_smile:

Sour Bubble on F 69…
Trichomes aren’t there yet…


Drying lipsmacker…

From the SLH…


Harvested Sour bubble (3 plants) from @Mithridate and remaining SLH at 77 F…

Nice fat colas, even the lowers are solid…
I’m really proud to have grown such a monstrous beauty.

A sneak a peek at curing buds…

(From |eft)Super Lemon Haze, lip smacker and outdoor Super Lemon Haze…


I currently have these two going inside the tent rn…

The small one is the lipsmacker clone and the other is GDP…

Sour Bubble still drying, lowers of the SLH have been trimmed and jarred.

The rest of the SLH cured pretty good…
I’m definitely getting some Lemon/Orange…
My friend said he got coffee terps from that…

Surprisingly that’s not what I’m getting on the outdoor SLH, it sure smells like vanilla cake and chocolate mixed, have anyone experienced different terps from the same plants before?

Lipsmacker one pheno is Guava, other one i can’t figure out what it is lol, smells like dried Ginger ,is that what you guys are describing as spicy?

I don’t know guys, this is the first time i have this much quantity, quality and variety LoL…

@Budderton sorry to hear about the seed mishap brother, I’m putting together a care package to cheer you up Bro., Hope it’s alright with you😉

I know this will never replace the seeds that are lost, but i hope to at least put a smile on your face Bro…

DM me your address brother, as soon as I finish separating the immature seeds from the Odisha gold, I’ll send that along with Arakku valley seeds your way…


I do love an occasional joint here and there, but my preferred way of consumption is ingestion…

I baked cake with cannaGhee at the beginning, then i eliminated the flour and sugar and consumed only the cannaGhee…

Now after stumbling across @Rogue recipe, i made this…

I took 3 grams of Super Lemon Haze herb, crushed it and decarbed in the oven at 100°C for 1 hour and 11 mins…
After that, i divided it in two halves and let the other half go upto 2 hour 22 minutes …

I mixed them both and consumes 1 teaspoon at 12.30 in the noon…
Gotta say, @Rogue you are a genius brother…
I loved how balanced and distributed throughout the spectrum the high was …

I wanted to build something, but sitting from the couch if you know what I mean LoL…

Perfect recipe for trimming…
After sometime it put me to sleep and just woke up 6.00 PM LoL…

Well, it’s 7.30 pm already and i just took another teaspoon along with Sulaimani (black tea LoL)…

Rest assured I’ll be mixing the strains and making this for day to day consumption…
Thank you for the recipe brother :pray::pray::pray:


Hey Alwaysnoob, GREAT looking buds!! In my early days, after my box growing time, I grew in my whole area, about 15’ x 20’ or so. My wife and I would trim bud for like a total 40 hours. And we learned to hate Trim Jail. I do not hate trimming, but for days on end. That is when I started buying tents.
This is a pic of one of the ladies, and that room would be full of them.
OMG, I was still using painter tarps as side walls, I could move in to the plants, then as they got bigger, away from the plants. Just trying to save lumens.
Take care, all the best man!!


Thanks brother @webeblzr
I too used darker tarp to turn my shelf into 1.5’*4’ tent LoL…

Comes in handy to keep the flowering area and veg seperate inside the room…


Been a minute, sorry fam, stuck trimming sour bubble for a week…

The 3 plants of sour bubble yielded 815 grams total…
Add that to the 280 grams of super lemon haze (including larfs) and couple of ounces of blackstrap(Autos), that’s total 1151 grams indoor under 1090 watts of LED light for my first photoperiod grow… :muscle::muscle::muscle:

100 grams or outdoor super lemon haze and 110 grams of lipsmackers not included above :sunglasses:

If I play my cards right maybe I can convince wifey to not to sell the place and continue growing here :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Thank you brothers and sister @Mithridate , @Hydro921 , @hollyho , these are all from your seeds…


Now that‘s a good problem to have…. Congratulations dude! :+1:


Damn bro! :sunglasses::green_heart::herb:
Very happy for you and please do enjoy the fruits of your labor!
I’m out of likes for a while…


Amazing haul :ok_hand:

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Well done, over a gram per watt :+1:

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Nice rack of jars @alwaysnoob ! Well done! :+1::v:


Thank you so much brothers …
@buckaroobonsai , @iceman , @Mithridate, @ReikoX , @LedZeppelin , @Budderton

Your support is much appreciated :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


My very first sticker ever from @chronix went on the dehumidifier today…

Thanks a lot brother, it’s looking awesome :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:🫂


I had to harvest the GDP couple of weeks earlier due to some unforseen circumstances…

As of now i have no living plants in my garden but lot of cured buds of Sour Bubble and some…


Nice work! All you bud came out looking great!

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Thanks brother @ix3u

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