Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

That’s cool as can be!


Thank you brothers @webeblzr , @MoBilly


Wanted to see how the plant will react to my native soil mixed with goat poop…

Unfortunately, i don’t know what strain it is, it’s a stray found inside the seed vault…

With how fast it is flowering, my bet is that it is an auto…


Hello everyone, my apologies for letting my thread go dormant for quite sometime…

I have shared the reason in private with few friends, seems like I’m in the clear for now…

It’s time to document the :fire: that has been shared by our beloved OGers…

Plants marked 1&2 are 90’s orange which was shared by brother @Mithridate, 3&4 are SourPop from brother @buckaroobonsai

Remaining 5 are autos 2 in the middle are white widow crosses (forgot which ones, most likely to be widow maker) from @repins12 and 3 small ones on the right are Blackstrap from sister @hollyho

The Siamese twin from earlier also is sour pop which turned out to be a male…

All but 1 rooted in the clones section, as soon as I see roots on that, I’ll fertigate it and flip to 12/12 to determine sex…


Right on @alwaysnoob ! It’s good to see you posting again! Doesn’t look like you missed a beat!


Thanks brother @Budderton … 🫂
Looking forward to Overgrow the room like last time :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Awesome to see you back in action. Hope everything is good for you. The green thumb you have is still kicking butt!


Thank you for the kind words brother @Emeraldgreen :blush:


Hello everyone …

I got a male and female on the Orange (still under 16/8)…

Female lives and the male would be farmed like a livestock for it’s leaves to make traditional North Indian dish called Bhang Thandai and for testing out my new defoliation technique which I’ve learned from the following link😉

Increasing yield with Defoliation

Ze autos

Le photos …

Still have 2 unidentified Sour Pop but the clones are under 12/12 inside the tent, so we’ll know which is which soon😊

Overall garden…

Ze clones

Thank you for visiting :pray::pray::pray:

Have a great day :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Clipping right along @alwaysnoob ! You’re filling that space up nicely! Everything looks happy and healthy!


Thanks brother @Budderton
The plan is to identify the females and fill them until the autos are done/till the canopy is filled like last time, whichever comes first LoL :wink:


Simple Bhang Thandai…

I juiced the leaves and simmering it with sugar and milk for 1 hours and 15 minutes…

We can add cashews and dates or other sorts of ingredients to enhance the flavour but for me ganja flavour is good enough😉

It may be because of I’m on a T break, but this gets me baked af :ok_man:


Looks delicious :drooling_face:. My buddy uses fans for higher cbd tincture or rso. He said it works great for pain


He’s absolutely right brother, it relaxes the fk Outta me :drooling_face::sleeping::relaxed:

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Loving the budsites on the autos

Overall garden

And the clones under 12/12

Once the sex is determined, these would be revegged …


Up potted the photos since the results are in from the flowering clone tent…

3 female, 1 male and 1 have both balls and pistills (which the main plant already faced the :axe:)…

Did some major organising in the room…

Thank you for visiting, have a great day :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Looking stellar!

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Thanks brother :blush:

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Looks great in here! That dish you made sounds very interesting? I gotta try that now one day, thanks for sharing.


Thanks brother…

If you have some time to kill, here’s the video of one of my favourite Gardner talking about the benefits of the juice…

Juicing Raw Cannabis for Highest Health Benefit