An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure

I got to meet the man at Soil King’s Taco Tuesday #3

Subcool donated that day.

They made an awesome video of the experience.

Uh Oh, Frikkin Science.
Now I gotta learn, put down the bong.

I don’t believe that at all.

What exactly is missing, specifically, in Cannabis grown without composted organic material?

Vitalism creeps into everything. It’s magic type thinking. Idea of an intrinsic “life force”. It just isn’t there.


Average is 4.8 lbs per plant this year, 16 ft high, Is that about what your gettin?

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Pardon my ignorance, but very intrigued at pasta water and also subcool’s soil recipe. Can anyone provide the ingredients in sub’s mix

I have a 7 foot ceiling…so a 16ft plant is a simply not possible.

I doubt a gallon of pasta water twice a cycle has enough nutritive value to do much of anything, to be frank. A tablespoon of Miracle Gro is gonna do more heavy lifting than 10 gallons of pasta water.

If pasta water is so grand, bury a pound of dry spaghetti noodles at the base of each plant. It’ll make its own pasta water every time it’s watered. Hell bud, why not switch to a pasta based planting media? Kinda silly, no?

Just another old wives tale remedy.


I think I will use Epsom salt for my spaghetti to complete the trick frech|nullxnull, thanks for sharing … beer3|nullxnull


Yes you do, and with such eloquence and vigor.

Anybody have Google, it helps at times like these…

Pasta water can be used to water plants because it provides (NPK) fertilizer and minerals for plants to effectively use while promoting a healthy bacteria population. This results in healthy plant growth. Pasta water can also be applied using any watering method and can also ward off unwanted pests when fermented.


There are huge hydro grows in Michigan greenhouses, NOT, It’s that simple.

It’s not common knowledge. It is a common assertion from organic growers looking to justify their lower yields somehow.


Promix on drippers is a form of hydroponics lol.

Swing and a miss.

I live within a mile of hundreds of greenhouses. Promix or a clone thereof and Jack’s or a custom blended hydro nutrient.


Oh look another thread on organic grows being derailed by bottled nute guy. Can’t you at least keep it to the chem vs organics threads?

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No science, just a lazy hippie without a botany degree that grows bug free, botrytis free buds and needs not a bit of anal recommendations to go against Empirical Knowledge older than alot here.

You win again, so much Winning, must get tiresome…
Yup it does…
Anywhere near this one, stop by…


Only in this community is saying “bottled nute” somehow a pejorative lol.


Always pissed me off when my wife got some flower from the dispensary (hydro/soilless), always a disappointment. My dad could grow a plant: fox farm soil, water only, spider mites up the ass and yet taste much better and richer (and thats being grown in horrible conditions). I could always call hydro/soilless herb from the first puff.


They love there Chlorophyll, that’s why they freeze dry.

I dont really care what type of growing you do honestly. I’ve done hydro myself and quite enjoyed it but for my setup it works out a bit tricky and pricey.
Its just tiring seeing you come into every thread like this saying the same thing over and over. And all that happens is you create an argument btw people for what? What purpose is this suppose to serve?

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Are you trying to lead me to believe you boil hundreds and hundreds of gallons of pasta water at a time to water your buddy’s acre? C’mon guy.

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