An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure

He’s a dog catcher in real life

I’d ask you to pay attention, but your outta credit!
Ba dump dump, be here…forever

What purpose does it serve to make threads constantly touting the superiority of organics and the inferiority of salt based nutrition? I’m as tired of seeing misguided threads touting piss and pasta water and fermenting eggshells to make nutrients in the most inefficient time consuming way possible as you are of hearing “salt based nutrition objectively grows bigger better plants”.


Join “Disgruntled Botanists Online”

I think most of us will agree soilless definitely grows bigger plants. Better plants is a hot debate.

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Wait, what BB, who is getting 4.8 lbs per plant indoors? (DRY)
Planted on june 1st, harvested oct.20-31.

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No debate. There is no better cannabis than what I grow in pro-mix using synthetic ferts.

And I’ve smoked them all


Welcome to overgrow, @GrainFedEWC. It’s great that you’ve decided to join us and offer to “help and answer questions” in your very first post. You should probably head over to the “Introduce Yourself” thread so we can get to know a bit more about you and your growing experience.


Don’t get me wrong, I used to use synthetics, switched to organic and never looked back.

On average, DWC and coco yield more than living soil.

Oh yeah that’s true, Gramps and most Cali/Oregon growers and me and my buddy are not average, we grow different totally, Trees vs. Bushes…lol Much Respect


Must have fried your taste buds

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You must be a a terpene savant. Tell me, which flavour am I thinking of right now?

This is a very boring tired argument that I’ve seen many times over and over again.

It always boils down to I’m the best and you’re the worst.

Grow however you prefer. I don’t give a shit.


Seems to be your outlook for sure. This was just conversation until you came in here and said there is literally no better cannabis than what you’re growing. Weird way to not give a shit but you do you.

This “conversation” should be merged with the dozen other ones on the same topic that have happened before. Those never went anywhere either.

And yes, it’s not difficult to grow the finest cannabis. Mine is some of that.

If you want to shovel bat shit out of a cave then more power to you.

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I truly believe it’s subjective more than objective. Personally, I can’t tell the difference in terpene strength between organic and salts. I can certainly see the difference in methodologies (DWC; organic soil, soilless, etc.), but that’s just in terms of speed, vigor, and size.

This topic certainly brings disciples of each. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Do what works for you. I could go on with these clichés, but I’ll spare ya :v:t2:


Bought 300 lbs this year in 50 lb bags, didn’t know where to go shovel it myself.

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Hey man if it works for you then all the best to you.

I may try the spaghetti thing this grow lol, already use neem seed meal cant get a funkier smell then that really

fuckin gnarly dude