An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure

Amen brother amen

I do disagree I’ve grown soil and organics , super soil ect I now use Octopots ( wicking system) promix, and jacks which to me is an amazing combo! I recently harvested one plant that yielded 10 ounces dry trimmed!
It is documented on my thread here on OG and when I was using soil the largest yield I ever had one plant was no more than 4 ounces

Taste : I’ve noticed no difference at all

Totally agree I grow indoors wish I could grow outside but can’t !( would love to grow like @gramps trees trees and more trees 12 footers wow ) So you need to find a system that can give you most yield and not loose any quality ![quote=“EugeneDebs420, post:68, topic:66440”]
the end of the day though dank is grown with either.

Yes sir dank is grown with either :+1::+1::+1::+1:[quote=“Astrodude, post:71, topic:66440”]
heres what I’d love to have done this last 60 days
instead of harvesting 648 lbs.

Great work brother but for those of us trying to get as much out of a grow as possible in small spaces it takes a bit of a learning curve to figure it out and takes years of practice not saying your grow is not impressive but to me 648 lbs with the whole outdoors and the biggest light I ever seen ( the sun ) dose not match the Ingenuity and creative skills of somebody trying to grow in a 4 x 4 space and achieving 2 pounds with 4 plants
No disrespect just how I think



I just read the title to this thread an i think its about soil but I’m not reading much thats educating or am I wrong.
I’m a bottle feeder but only becouse I have not ventured over to organics.
I learned 1 way but my friends that do grow with only shit off there farm that cost them penny’s on the dollar woukd never grow big trees out door with bottles they say it waste our planet while wasting there :moneybag:.
I pray one day I can ammend ,cook then grow with alittle ammendment threw the grow .
This mixing shit is for the youth :100:


Pay close attention or compete in the indoornesian cup challenge.
My first documented grow here in 17 years, strange will be the things you see.
Indoors in our two sheds in pictures we did 144 units at 114 lbs total All octopots , my buddy leaves rooms 65 degrees when flowering starts, hot when there young. That’s over an average 3/4 lb in soil/scrog tables. He is very good at indoor growing, he scoffs at my convos of OG, he is above it all.

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Yes if they are good organic bananas. the reply by @MantisTobogganMD is on point. I can attest to not all organic bananas are created equal. Also @HolyAngel asserts a difference in taste in side by side. I agree. Doesn’t mean it might not be economically and even ecologically better to grow in say, coco and perlite.


I grow organic outdoors and chemical indoors. If you follow the right protocols, either way can grow gold.


Boobies!!! Cmon who don’t like boobies!:green_heart::pray:


Wait a minute, not all hippies are lazy. I believe “hippies” was meant as a slur originally but I think most “freaks” got comfortable with the term. There’s something to be said for not wasting your precious time and sitting back and just digging the human experience as often as you can. Some of us push hard for perfection, others understand that the grass may seem greener but it’s still grass. It’s all good.

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Boy, you’re a hostile fellow today. I guess I should want to compete with you? Hey, you do what the fuck you want to do but don’t pass judgements on folks who aren’t interested in your growing expertise and aren’t interested in competing with you. And I don’t think horseshit is a good lawn fertilizer because there are usually a lot of weed seeds that survive horse digestion. Of course, that also depends on what the horse eats. I prefer cow poop but you have to find an organic dairy if you want to stay organic. Believe it or not, there are many growers who grow what they and their friends and family need and no more. I’m not in it for the cash, I just like to grow and smoke weed. It doesn’t have to be the best but it has to get me where I want to be which means it has to be good. I’m not sure what triggered your nasty rant but it’s obvious it’s your problem, not mine. “Why can’t we all just get along”.

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Why such the anger there Pilgrim :confused:

Dude, did you take your meds today. You seem very hostile. I can’t imagine that what I said defending hippies was so outrageous to your ears. And the term “freak” also refers to hippies or counterculture Homo sapiens. I was proud to be a freak because it meant I was not like the “straight” people. And straight in those days meant no drugs, usually no tolerance and very little consciousness. I miss those days a lot. People seemed more reasonable then and often righteous. I lived in Haight Asbury in the late 60’s and I guess I never got over that. This is not a friendly country anymore. Fortunately, my circle of friends and family still value our “Woodstock Nation” ideals.

Did I misinterpret his remarks to me? I usually don’t play tit for tat but I just got back from a doctor visit and maybe I’m a little cranky this morning.

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Not 1 thing you have posted has anything to do with this thread.
Take a long walk. Read a book.
Find some peace in your garden

Yes, I’m from New Paltz, 1 hr from woodstock, I apologize for seeming disgruntled here with anything, but I’m tired of gettin smacked. Can’t deal with hassles.

I just apologized to @PilgrimProgress , very sorry to have wasted thread space. I won’t do it again for …Six months.

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All I was saying was that even lazy people deserve respect. And I always defend hippies. There’s only a few of them left above ground. So, I’m done. I have enjoyed reading a lot of threads but sometimes I just comment on a comment. I certainly didn’t think I was being confrontational with you, I was just saying to each his own.

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I agree, I apologize if you thought I was being confrontational. I live about 45 minutes from Woodstock myself.

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Oh shit well i am the lazy hippie, no worries, Much respect.