Andrane Grows Crazy Stuff! πŸ‘

My gpop bought a meat dehydrator and never used it dont temp me

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June 9 planted the bean with a few friends!


By the way sorry @Andrane for cloggin up your thread im having way too much fun over here.

4/5 coral kush popped for me woo hoo


Don’t do it! :joy: The buzz will pull through but nothing else will!


Whata line up!


Nice choices.

My starting lineup last June :sun_with_face:


Here’s a sample bud of FB.
Not completely dried or cured.


Looks good. Hope it smokes great for you!


Did you notice the fat bastard buds aren’t dense rocks but a little airy? Just curious I’m coming on 77 days.


@420noob Definitely not as dense as indica forward strains. More airy buds can be characteristic of more sativa forward genetics. That being said, there are a lot of things you can do as a grower to increase density to get the most out of your plant. Keeping it healthy, feeding the soil carbohydrates and amino acids will help feed the microbial life within the soil. Also triming or lollipoping allows the plant to use its energy growing those top colas. There are a number of things that will have huge effects on how the plant structure grows. You can have genetics that generally produce rock solid buds but if it was poorly grown it can turn out not so great. Here is an example of a grow from a buddy of mine using beans from the exact same batch of Fat Bastard as the ones circulating around OG right now. Buddy knows what he is doing. :wink:
This was the baseball pheno type we have noticed in these genetics. We found a few pheno types of the bud structure this year. I’m working on reducing the diversity of those phenos right now.


I had some lowers that where airy the tops where semi hard I would say. I feed the carbs and soil like @Tuned stated so that helped


Like the name baseball pheno its almost softball pheno! That makes sense better grown and healthier will come out better Mine is doing well there is some space between budsites but the buds have the Christmas tree shape nugs. The calyxes are swollen just not tight. Smells are peppery and a hashy smell right now. Can’t wait hope she’s a winner. Took a clone and she is a big bitch in a 1 gal pot.:crossed_fingers:


@Andrane was coral kush a heavy feeder?
Also did she like to go thru magnesium quick?

Is this droop?. Going to transplant to 1gals this weekend


@seeds2weeds Didn’t find much different then a normal grow. I would just get it in a larger pot and feed as normal. After the transplant it should be good to go.


Thanks for the info brotha man :+1:t2:

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Hey @Andrane! What ever happened with the HHCRSF? Did you get any girls?


@Loggershands I got 2 girls but I decided not to continue them. I needed room for the Coral kush project. I have more beans of the HHCRSF. I’ll probably give them anouther go at some point in time. Probably in the summer when I have some outdoor space.


Hey @andrane is that a intake vent you added to your tent ?

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I’m not sure what you are talking about?

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Sorry i was replying to one of the first posts in your thread. It looks like a house vent on your tent?

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