Andrane Grows Crazy Stuff! 👍

Not really about growing. I’m on vacation. But here are some nice wild life pictures on my trip to the cottage.


Is that the before and after pic? :joy:


Mmmmmm. Looks scrumptious

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Nice walleye!

Is that a sandpiper?

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Very nice catch, have a great vacation , looks like you are having a blast.

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So I dropped one of your fat bastard fems and wow she is jumping out of the dirt literally.


Holy jeebus, yeah she ready to go!

Don’t forget, the bait also!

um… can’t believe I went there! :scream: :wink: :crazy_face: :+1:

That fat bastard wants go go go… they can be a little stretchy


Lol a little stretchy most of the root shot out of the plug.:rofl::rofl:. Still can wait.

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Again not really growing but the final catches of my vacation.


Looks like a great time!!

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It was pretty nice! Needed it to be honest! I think I was getting a little tight in the head.


For sure getting away from it all and in nature is super good for you

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Wow that looks like a great trip!
Congrats on all the trophies @Andrane

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Thanks @MissinBissin! Those trophies were delicious…except for the drum. It was odd. Very tough meat.

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Looks like a nice haul. Never eaten drum. Actually that’s the only way I will touch any fish…if I’ve caught it or seen it caught, cleaned it or seen it cleaned, and cooked it or seen it be cooked. And all three of these things have to happen in a fairly small time frame, lol. :wink:

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nice catch @Andrane, looks like you had a great time. What kinda bait did you catch those on?

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Mostly crank baits. The largest pickerel/walleye was on a red and white spinner. @Mrgreenthumb


Hey OG. Looks like @JohnnyPotseed has only 1 Pack of Coral Kush Beans. Probably the last chance for awhile to get ahold of that amazing cross!