Annnnnnnd here we go...again! :)

Have a somewhat small outdoor harvest this year…a lot of things got in the way of gardening, so I decided I’d run some of my Widow Maker autos. There’s not enough time up here for these to finish outdoors, so I just moved them inside, up-potted, and gave them their first dose of food.

Should finish up around Turkey Day :slight_smile:


merry christmas! looks like perfect timing for some nice presents.


As well as some special stuffing :slight_smile:

Stuffing made with herbal butter, baked crispy on top, covered with a generous ladle of homemade gravy?


Ak47 x White Widow? That does sound like a widow maker. Count me in, I love seeing how chunky autos get. Definitely gotta mess with some soon.


Quick update on the gurlz:

Thinking it’s time to uppot again, prolly go straight to 5gal buckets.


Here’s another update. I decided 2wks ago that since we were having fairly mild weather up here, to move these cuties outside. Gives them some natural light, and cuts down on my electric bill a bit.

Here’s how they look now:

Plant 1:

Plant 2:

Plant 3:

and Plant 4:

They are weeks apart in terms of finishing, with Plant 1 being almost ready. Here’s a close-up of her buds:

Plant 4 will need another month, at least. All seeds popped on the same day.
You can see a stake in Plant 1…that’s cuz oh yeah, we had another tropical storm come through last weekend, Phillipe, which knocked 1 and 2 over.

Forgot to add, that’s the hairiest bud I’ve ever seen :slight_smile:


They look wonderful :kissing_heart:, you’ve done a great job with them … beer3|nullxnull

Thanks. I’m a bit surprised that 4 plants, which were all popped at the same time, can be this far apart for finishing…but hey, every day’s a school day :rofl:

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41deg this morning. Bit chilly for the gurlz. Highs for the next week are in the 50s/low 60s, so I’ll leave them outside until they either finish or we get a chance of frost.
Takes them awhile at these temps, I guess. Not seeing many changes, and I’ve read that low 40s will pretty much shut plants down.
I’ll post some pics if I get a chance later today.