Could be a lite harvest

Not sure what the final outcome will be with what’s currently in containers and direct planted…SOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo

I’m popping some of the White Widow Autos from year before last. 12-14wks puts me right up against the first frost date up here, mid-late October, so we’ll see how they do.
Popping 6, will go straight to Promix organic with some coir and worm castings, and will probably stick with Alaskan Fish Ferts for the entire grow, so we’ll see how that does. 5gal pots, incase I have to move them inside in October.


Nice… good luck man ww is yummy!

Thanks. Gave some to my “tester”…He said it should come with a warning label :slight_smile:

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That sounds great!! Where was it from? Any certain breeder?

I think it was in a lot I won in one of the auctions here on OG. I’m forgetting a lot of details like that lately.

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From “The County”, here’s wishing you an extended Frost-free Fall. Maybe we’ll get lucky and this unusually warm/hot Summer will linger until you successfully harvest. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Pop up greenhouses are relatively inexpensive now. could help extend your season

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Thanks. I live on a hill, on the bank of a river, and there’s a looooooooooooonnnnng fetch to the North, which means the winds here can be hellish.
So any kind of “pop-up” anything would end up in the next town.
:flushed: :roll_eyes: :joy:

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One of my regular plants, a Northern Thunder Fuck, went into flower over the weekend:

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