Another Mold Question

Interesting observation as ive been sorting and inspecting the bud. The buds that express purple do not seem to have the mold growth. Maybe the early purpleing i was seeing in the grow was the plants immune reaponse to an infection? I know anthocyanins play a contributing factor.

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The process is taking a bud like this:

And peel the bud layer by layer until there is no fuzz. Which is really only at the very tip of the bud. At the tip there arent any pistils on the inside near the stem.

That is what the bud eventually ends up as. Same bud as the first picture.

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Once the bud rot infects the bud does the disease get transferred throughout the plant through the insides of the stems?

It can. Botrytis can spread and become systemic, if it does it will travel through your soil and infect your entire garden. You’ll see it on and inside the stems if it did.

Here are some photos of the moldy pistils. Such a bummer.

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Wow, I’m glad you managed to find that because it could easily be missed. Looks like it just started. Sadly even that small bit could eventually spread throughout the storage containers in time. Even if it didn’t spread in storage it sounds like the whole plant has little bits like that, right? I wouldn’t want to risk smoking it, but I’m certain I’ve smoked much worse in my earlier years.


Yeah it seems to be in every bud. It makes me wonder how much of this stuff I’ve consumed over the years. I guess it pays to be obsessive over certain things. I wouldnt want to give someone some shit that isnt right.


Ive been doing a little research and could be wrong but what i think im encountering is some form of aspergillus fungus.

Not my picture but is resembles something like this.