Another paranoid grower problem

So I had a very very big Catahoula mother and I took like 40 clones and cleared most of the rest of it, hoping to grow some fresh branches back to bring my buddy fresh snips later this month that aren’t as purple stems of the cuts I took. Since then the mother has started having the leaf edges curl, looking like some of the broad mites or russet mites pics I see online. This is the beggining and I don’t need this mother since I have all those cuts rooting, so I took her out. I know there maybe other problems that are causing this (like too much water since she was just really cleared out) which would be great to me cuz I really don’t need this mom but if it’s one of those pests I’m freaking the hell out cuz everything been rotating great and I got some cuts I really wanna keep but I wanna clear house if it’s pests. Now I’ll post my pics and you can say if I’m crazy or not :rofl:


Definitely not russet mites. Looks like light/heat stress to me.


my guess is that your light intensity is too strong


That would be a yes………. :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

I agree it looks like heat/light stress…….


Here is russet mite damage:


Cool cool I love to hear the definetlys lolol this was the only plant with the issue and it was my one huge mother in that tent taller than all others so it adds up!

Wohooo I’d rather be crazy than infested with mites :joy:


That makes sense!

Dunno about crazy… nervous helicopter-parenting your plant, yes. :stuck_out_tongue: Back off before you give her self-esteem issues!


LOL while my kids off doing god knows what, I’m just gonna freak out about the damn edges of these leaves.

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I did it again, Wrong reply button I always do it!

Definitely light stress

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Don’t you wish all plant problems was this easy

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I second that.


I do wish that lol

Meanwhile here I am hoping a top dressing solves my problems


My indoors have been hydro forever, I just got all my organic ingredients to try soil for the first time in my 4X4 tent, I’m nervous as hell about it lol.