Any 20 amp plus guys?

True, and I wasn’t implying u said to run anything at full, I was agreeing with the other two gentleman on the 80% .Most are 15 amps your correct that’s why I bought all hospital grade outlets rated at 20 amp :+1:t2:
Oh, note, if your not comfortable with electric don’t do it lol , sorry maybe I should have noted that above


lol - i’d add more on top of that… if you aren’t knowledgeable in the area regardless of your comfort level then don’t do it.


I do have a 240 volt outlet 12 feet away. After reading all this I think it would be pointless not to use it. I could run both my ballast on it and use the 120 for fans exc.


That’s is why I made this topic. It’s very educational and interesting to see what peeps are doing

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What we do… Have 200 amp for my three rooms and all lights run off 240 light controllers I made and everything else like intakes, exhausts, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, fans all 120v :facepunch:t2:


That’s awesome! Man that is A Lot!

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Oh three mini splits they run off 240 dedicated lines as well :facepunch:t2:

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My friend… Thats a grow house! Lol


Naw if I had my way I’d have 600 amp and a big ass pole barn hahah
In process changing form hps to led, nothings cheap I’ll tell ya,have 10 Leds to Mount. Leaving a few hps to heat the outside of my rooms in the winter. I believe it will work out. So much heat from hps takes a lot to cool in the summer even with two 24,000 btu mini splits in flower room

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I have that problem right now… Every electrical socket in the garage is on one 15amp breaker… My garage breaker has tripped more time than i have in my life time at this point… Next week I am getting two 20 amps added to my electrical box and mounted in the garage.


I was wondering this the whole time… most things these days are 110-240VAC or 5VDC. 240 should work well for you but…

240 brings some extra rules. Anything that isn’t rated 240V, anything, plugs, outlets, extensions, fans, A-N-Y-THING becomes a fire hazard when plugged into the circuit. That’s why we use a separate plug from 110. Don’t leave adapters around for fear of someone else using them.


heck yes @ChemicalDependant
you also want to make sure your 220 breaker is right sized fro what you have plugged into it. in other words you WANT the breaker to trip if the things arent as they should be.

@corey - key is is that electricity is really the most dangerous thing in your house and it does kill - you have to respect her


I was trapped in a fire lost the flesh off my hands ,other places due to a electrical fire, I am very careful.
I spend extra. Isnt that much harder to pull heavier wire

My advice is dont guess, dont skrimp

Btw it was a new house to me and a electrician had wired it


that sucks man i’m sorry to hear about that.
if i can find the pic of some of the wires i found in my house when i rewired it a couple of years ago i’ll add them to this thread. the electrician apparently pulled the wires so hard through a hole when doing an addition (prior to me buying it) they stripped the wires down to bare copper.
the previous owners are lucky as hell it didnt burn down and i sure am glad i decided to rewire this place or that would still be in my walls waiting…
you just never know…


I feel for you bud; but also must note:

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@Who damn man, that sucks. That’s the type of stuff that makes me never want to go back to electrical as a career. Sorry to hear.


I wired a 50 amp breaker that runs directly to a drier plug, I added a male drier plug to one of those titan controler breaker boxes so I can run 8 1000w Hps at 240. Built in timer. I love that thing. It was a game changer for me


its all good guys the fire was in 2006, i had grafts and plastic surgery, the point isnt to feel bad for me,but to be like careful, and not have a similar experience.