Any advice? Weird looking growth

Hey everyone. Are these still looking ok? Outdoor grow for the first time. ProMix HP and using Remo Nutes at 800 PPM for feeds.
They look weird. Any ideas?


Dunno your genetics…but I had an alien gorilla that grew 1/2 leaves on one side of a plant… edges looked like that… I’m calling genetics

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Plants look healthy and growing fast.
The only odd thing is that dark green lump near your finger in the first photo, no idea about that.

Keep doing what your doing. :sunglasses: :+1:


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I figured they look ok. Good colour and growing upwards :).

If they don’t start growing out of it, I’d say it looks more overwatered or Nitrogen overdose

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I would go for a nutrient lockout hum|nullxnull, Promix + 800 ppm could be too much, can you check runoff ppm and pH? :sunglasses:




I was thinking, when I have had leaves like these it was because the solo cup I was in didn’t have enough drainage and my roots were sitting in water, any chance that something like that happened in the last 2 weeks?

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I can next time I do a feed :slight_smile:

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There are holes drilled all around the bottom of the buckets. Maybe over watering? I will let it get nice and dry before I do the next feeding. I have been watering about once every three days and about 1 gallon per plant. 15 litre pots.


If it is over watering those leaves won’t heal, but new growth will be fine. I use 5 liter pots and water about 1 cup per day on my auto watering system, I was doing a pint every 3 days.


So what’s the strain in those pots…and when it happened to me it was in dwc… and just one plant…what say you DezmondG

Kind of looks like how the leaves sometimes get when a plant is reveged.

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Looks overwatered and also a mutant


That’s not a mutant

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I have a mutant that looks exactly like that. Except all of the leaves are like that and the plant is tiny.

That looks like every plant i grew 8 years ago when i was just starting out and thought i needed to water everyday growing in soil. Looks like a classic case of overwatering. Easy to do. I blame it on excitement and idle hands these days.


Could it be this is an offspring of a Femmed mother recent or somewhere down the genetic line?

:face_with_monocle: 800ppm for Promix in Veg is high ass hell.

@ what PPM conversion are you using???

Check your PPM & PH runoff I’m pretty sure it’s Nute locked with a high ph, if so flush it with plain water.

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Water is at 200ppm. I added all the nutes, came to 997 and ph 5.8-6.2. I have never checked runoff. The ProMix HP to my understanding is not organic or anything so I thought I needed to feed it. I am just going to water for the next while to clean things out and then use half of what I have been adding for now.

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Promix HP has sphagnum peat moss and lime, so little nutritional value, but if you add those 900 ppm it goes beyond what should be recommended for that early stage, check this:

I would check the runoff ppm just with pHed water (no nutes) to see if there’s a salt build up and once I’ve got that info flush or just lower feeding … beer3|nullxnull