Natural part of flowering or deficiency?

Plant is white widow day 26 of flower. This type of spotting is only on fan leaves. Just kind of curious as to if it’s part of the natural progression or if I need to fix something


What are your specs on media and nutrients?

Looks calcium related to me but we’ll see what you said?


50/50 happy frog and hp pro mix.

Using AN sensi bloom ph perfect. I gave it 8ml per G and 8ML of big bud and b52. I was thinking calcium to as well just not sure how much I should fuck with the plant at this stage this is my first grow and first time having a plant in flower


Things need done sometimes… A bit of calmag to your feed should stop any new spots but the old spots probably won’t go away… Looking good though, Cal def is a typical thing and isnt a massive problem


Have ya scoped for pest? Weird how it’s somewhat contained to the vein areas?


Yea first thing I did was check for pests. I have other plants in the flower room showing no signs of this and thriving I would imagine they would have made their way over to the bigger plants


So I tested run off and I think I did an ouuchie. PPM was 2500+. So I think I was overfeeding or there is an insane salt build up. There are small signs of nutrient burn but barely anything at all. How do I correct this? Do I just feed with plain water for the next week or 2? Or do I do a complete flush. They are in week 5 flower right now.

I thought this was a cal issue but could it be ph lockout?

Or do I ride out the last 3 weeks or they are a 50-50 day flower and its day 32 and see what happens


You’re saying 8 ml per gallon of the sensi bloom 2 part combined then another 8 ml on top of that with big bud and b52?

Sensi calls for 4 ml of each part but I would definitely suggest feeding less than that. Less is more in the nutrient game. It could be a lockout from too much of a nutrient. I would go for a week or two of water then come back in with 6 ml total and drop the additives.

Whats the entire plant look like under white light?


So this is the white widow plant I caught this in time and flushed and fixed it doesnt seem to be showing any problem other than the fact it’s not frosty at all lol.

The other one you commented on is the blue dream one which was showing the same signs and I did the same exact method except the other one escalated. Honestly the structure of the plant and its growth was awesome and this was my first ever grow so I probably caused more harm than good. The plant was very finicky the entire process. I have another one in flower that’s a blue fire strain and is looking dope as fuck. You win some you lose some I guess. I wasnt hoping for massive yields my first grow.

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I have been struggling with this plant blue dream for a bit now. What I thought started out as a mag issue maybe something else. Its day 45 Humboldt said it’s a 70 day flower time. I tested PPM and the run off was pretty high the first time at 2500. I used flawless finish and got the run off down to 800ppm. I looked at trichs and all are still crystal clear. It’s only on fan leaves so far but looks like it may be rolling into the sugar leaves. Anyone have suggestions as what I should do to try and salvage this girl or am I just SOL and what I get out of her at this point is what I get


I just commented on your other thread and I’m pretty sure it’s all over feeding. I’m getting away with less than 50% of the suggested dosage of my nutrients but I’d suggest next time running much less. Don’t follow what the bottle says, it’s always too much.
This problem here is from lock out. You can’t fix it this round but next round try to teeter on the low side of feed. Experiment to find how low on nutrients you can go with good growth. It’s helpful to establish a baseline to stick around. I generally find that a magnesium deficiency in flower is the most common from underfeeding. At that point, I generally increase the feed slightly until it’s growing well and not showing any problems.

The thing is, you’re not going to have true deficiencies following the suggested dosage on bottles. It just won’t happen. It’ll always cause a lockout due to excess. I’ve never used any bottled nutrients that had a good recommendation on the bottle. I use CNS17 and got away with 35% on a touchy cultivar I was growing. 50% is a good place to start!


Have you checked for bugs?


I’d say its over fertilizing too. I’ve never run the nutes that high. I never follow the recommended amount Advance nutrients Sensi Bloom 3/4, Maxi bloom 1/2, and Greenplant medi one 3/4.

Always remember the Plants dictate feeding schedules not the back of the bottle. Peace


I grew 10 blue dreams last year and never saw anything like that. They were really light feeders and liked lots of LITFA. Easiest plants I’ve encountered. You are giving them way too much love I think. Nutes, water, light… don’t know, I think too much of everything.


I have my first Blue Heaven finishing up in organic no till, and it has looked like that since week 4 of flowering.

I thought it was magnesium or sulfur deficiency at first, but nothing I do seems to change its condition, root zone ph is ok, all the other plant strains are heavy feeders so it’s getting the same amount of teas as the others which have been good. Maybe it’s to much food for it.

I am flowering 3 more in the next batch, so I will leave off the teas for them and just let them use the soil on it’s own.


So just for clarification purposes during flower do you still do plain PH water every 3rd feed or straight feed every time its required? This go around I’m gonna scale back the feedings. I got some recharge today and gonna see if that helps her at all I heard it can do some good stuff.

Also I did clone this plant and its showing the same exact wierd issues during veg maybe it’s just a bad pheno. It does this wierd thing where half a finger on the fan leaf is normal and the other half of the finger is really light yellow like a direct 50/50 split and only on one single leaf lol.


I think they are a bit sensitive I had 2, in veg every time I did something to them they would wilt or go pale and spotty. One hermied 3 weeks into flower.