Whatever doesn’t kill me… won’t get another chance

While I was helping with hurricane clean up, I cut my leg open. The laceration was 14 inches starting above the ankle and went all the way to my knee cutting down to the bone. 127 stitches, half of them internal to put my calf muscle back together. 72 hours later, I removed the bandages to change them and found the flesh around some stitches had turned black. I started to feel like I was getting sick with a cold or flu symptoms. I made an appointment to go see the doctor about my leg and took medicine as instructed. I went to bed and woke up 5 days later in the hospital after suffering a major heart attack that night. I was informed that I had flesh eating bacteria infection at the wound site and it was spreading thru my body attacking my organs. For 3 weeks the doctor pumped multiple kinds of medications into me, family came by to visit me almost everyday. I made it thru the infection and another operation on my leg, then spent 3 weeks in recovery regaining my strength to come home.

Thank you @OhNo555 for reaching out and this awesome get well soon card.

I started a bunch of SourGrape F2’s and some PMD S1 for my next grow.

I switched to Full Spectrum Oil (AKA RSO) for my pain killer and sleep medication.

This isn’t how I wanted to spend my 5 years of OverGrow’n anniversary, butt… I’m happy to be alive! My wife and mother in-law and youngest daughter are making a celebration feast for the family coming over today. I’m back on my feet and using a cane to get around, going to sit in the garden and enjoy the day. Take care of yourself and I will do the same.


My God glad to see your doing ok now. Sorry for your horrible misfortune.


Glad your home I know get well soon sounds kind of corny after having a brush with the man who carries the sickle,But get well soon homie im so glad your better the worlds a better place with you in it @Heliosphear.


Outta likes.

I will keep it simple. It is a serious relief to see you back, brother!


@Heliosphear I’m glad to hear your doing better now! Your absolutely right you’ve become a stronger person because of that traumatic experience. I hope you got some good karma coming your way because you deserve it!


Dam man that sounds like a very close call . Glad to hear they got you on the mend.
Take it easy and get well soon.


I am so glad to read that you are recovering well after such an intense accident! Get well soon brother!


Wow, that’s a heck of an ordeal. Glad you are back on your feet brother, that’s awesome to hear. :v:


Woah one hell of a comeback @Heliosphear
When it’s not your time it’s not your time :pray:t2:
Keep fighting the good :boxing_glove:


That is some experience, oooff. Those fleb’s can be viscious, glad you made it thru.


Glad you’re back! :green_heart::green_heart: @Heliosphear

Take your time getting back up to speed! No need to rush.


I’m happy to hear you’re on the mend.


Very glad to hear you are on the rebound and really look forward to seeing you back posting daily again but no rush, you just get better, SOOO MANY HERE HAVE YOUR BACK! Much love and respect


Brutal stuff. Necrotizing fasciitis is gnarly stuff. Glad you made it. Hopefully you’re able to get back to 100% as quickly as possible. Best of luck with the recovery!


Holy shit, brother!

That is some ride. Glad you decided to hang around and keep spending time with us.


Jezuz, take care of yourself. I had an experience with flesh eating bacteria in 2011. I dropped a 45lb plate at the gym and it slide down my leg and bounced off the side of my inside ankle. Blood blister about the size of a half dollar. Uninsured so I popped it washed it off kept going to the gym and pulled a tube sock over it. 3 weeks later I peeked under the scab and it had eaten a hole in my ankle down to the bone. 6 months of wound care. MRSA and 2 types of flesh-eating bacteria. I wish you well. Take care. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:
P.S that was the 3rd time I got MRSA at the gym. Gyms are filthy.


MEGA DITTOS to all sentiments expressed, Bro!!! We need ya on this side of things, continue to improve, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


And people give me attitude for not working out at cheap gyms and stuff. They’re gross and that stuff is serious.


This was an expensive gym. They all are petri dishes of bacteria. Take your own small spray bottle of disinfectant and towel to wipe off equipment before using. Or carry ISO wipes.


@Heliosphear good to hear you are doing better. Very scary having a heart attack and flesh eating bacteria. Positive vibes brother!