Any nurses or doctors !? …Graphic!

Looks like you blew it out.
Fingernail still pressure under it?
I think you’ll want to take a hot needle thru the nail and relieve pressure.
Hydrogen peroxide well, antiseptic cream wrap it up well.


Was working with a guy one day cut 3 fingers off on a band saw,had to pick them off the ground for him lol,

Was working in a slaughterhouse in Ireland when I was younger,
Went to wash my hands in the sink someone had left their knifes in it,I didn’t see them because I was in a rush and the sink was full of water and blood lol

200 stitches I got that day,I have scars from my wrist to my elbow
It’s hard to see I got a sleeve tattooed over the scars

Never put your hands in a sink without checking first for knifes,always tell kids this when they start as a meat clerk


I think you just need to chop it off.


I’d ask the wife she’s a nurse but she’s blacked out in bed after 14 shift


Ouch! I am a nurse, and as such would say you may need stitches. But I am also realistic, and realize that just isn’t an option for many people. Clean it, keep it clean! That’s the biggest thing. You will have a much bigger problem if it gets infected. You can use a liquid bandaid to help seal it, even super glue can help. Put some antibiotic ointment on it periodically. I see people worried you fractured or broke it. If you did the ER wont really do much, beside charge fro xrays and then splint it. If you do think it is broke buy or make a splint, you can do so with popsicle sticks even, just has to keep it straight and not bending for a couple weeks so it can heal. Take some tylenol or ibuprofen to help with inflammation. Can put a little ice on it for 20 min a couple times a day to help with swelling and pain. Hope you heal quickly


Thank you sooooo much for the input ! :heart_eyes:

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No pressure in the finger mail just almost all blue thank god it blew out !! I’ve whacked my finger with the slap stick a couple of times but nothing this good !

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Thanks bud I appreciate the gesture

Here you go buddy I think these belong to you hahah

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Get well buddy!
Sending healing vibes your way!

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Thanks dirt ! Sure gonna need em work is my bread and butter !

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I’m a working stiff too, so I hear ya.

Bright side today was already better than yesterday. Flesh wounds take approximately 14 days to heal. But it should be well closed before then. Make a finger condom with a rubber glove, or just wear a whole rubber glove, to keep it clean when you do go back to work.

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When I do go back to work I will be pushing a broom …get that drywaller to a broom pusher cool boss though …it’s my left hand so that’s the hand I’m constantly fumbling and feeding screws with …I like the part about today is already better then yesterday :slightly_smiling_face:i

We wife sliced up her finger in June, long weekend etc.
Made it to the pharmacy in the local village (just before they closed) & picked up Steri-strips and a padded aluminum finger splint.
The cut should have had 3 or 4 stitches but the steri-strips and splint did the job. It healed very well and quickly, actually better than stitches…
A crushing wound is nastier than a clean slice so as Petalpower said, an antibiotic topical is a really good idea. I hope it heals w/o problems.



Looks very similar to a wound I received 10 years ago. The liquid bandage stuff works pretty well, along with steri-strips, but consider the possibility of a small fracture. Doc stitched me up and had me in an immobilizing splint for 6 weeks. (Available at any drug store) for that finger. Ibuprophen, ice. My nail finally grew back normally 2 years later. Functionality and nerves are great now…

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I second thay, many a gaping wound I have used super glue to close,. Works great!


Any chef or butcher who leaves their knives in a sink under water needs a swift headbutt


i agree pee on it.

serious note though if the finger nail bruises under and has to much pain from pressure heat a paper clip and sizzle through layer of nail and release the blood,