Any nurses or doctors !? …Graphic!

I have a pimple on the crease of my nose that is really starting to annoy me :joy:

Deff careful shutting doors !

Pics and I can give you a diagnosis !

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Bro they put your pinky toe on the wrong side .lol let’s hear the story

Don’t play on construction sites barefoot. I learned the hard way in 5th grade.

My mom had gotten into a program to get a small new house for a discount, think habitat for humanity ish. The temporary porch and walkway from construction were made out of 2x4’s and they just piled them up in the front lawn when they poured concrete. Well I was 10, and went out there playing, I slammed down hard on the porch with one foot to start it rocking, and ended up scissoring my toe off.

They tried to reattach it and I ended up with gangrene (it really does smell like almonds), they had to take it back off and I had to soak my foot in iodine daily the whole summer to get rid of the infection and draw back the sepsis. I had red lines almost to my hip at one point.


Ouch!!! Wincing!

jesus thats crazy. lucky you didnt lose your leg. did you guys at least get any compensation besides being able to fit narrow shoes

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OMG. We are lucky to have you.
:green_heart: :seedling:

He made this profile to just be nasty. This isn’t the first nasty post.
:green_heart: :seedling: