Any one having issues getting their soil this year?

That kind of promix is all I’ve ever used lol. I always add more perlite, like 4:1, or 2 part promix 1 part compost 1 part perlite. then a tablespoon of garden lime per gallon of mix.


Same here.


Agway, blue seal feed stores, commercial landscape supply, nursery supply or somewhere like this will have it. The past few years promix has been readily available because walmart and home depot started carrying it. Prior to this promix was always hard to find, you had to “get outside the box” to aquire it. This is the medium 95% of established growers use… my personal preference is HP…most common is BX and it works just fine. For liquid nutes I like an established marijuana centric brand such as pure blend pro. You can grow weed with anything mentioned in this thread. In order to grow excellent weed, you must pay attention to medium and nutrients.


I noticed the price of fox farm doubled where I live in just a couple weeks. Quite the jump.
I’ve never seen Pro mix with nutrients mixed in. Is that what that one bale is?
Add some blood meal, kelp meal, bone meal, compost/ castings and some lime pellets and you are good to go. Holly Tone works great alone if you are on a budget. I mix this Pro Mix 50/50 with the local topsoil and perlite, but have used it without the topsoil. It will need top-dressing by the halfway point in the season ( mid July) . Mykos( mycorrhizae) can be added if you can’t find Pro Mix BX.

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I havnt seen HP in probably 10 years, BX is what is usually around. The only difference is the BX has a fungicide and the HP has more perlite.

BX is OK for indoors and best for outdoors.
HP is the BX minus the fungicide with more perlite.

If you want HP style BX, do 3:1 ratio of promix to perlite.

If you want Sunshine Mix #4 do a ratio 2:1.



The “All Purpose” Pro Mix in the blue bag is the only kind I’ve seen in stores near me. It has myco but no added nutes. It’s all I’ve used and worked well until a month or so ago when I was at as farm supply store.
They had a sale so I bought a few bags of Happy Frog and their generic “peat”. I mixed those together with more perlite… and my plants HATED it!

I had to track down more ProMix. I bought a $5 bag of lime that will last me the rest of my life and some EWC. I added a bunch of extra perlite, and my plants are happy once again. I’m thinking it was the generic peat at fault…

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I guess it depends on locations and sourcing. My local supplier had 25 bales when contacted last week.


Man I pay 59.99 for a 3.8 bale


Yeah shits outta control right now. Any delay, problem, price increase, etc. They blame covid. Buying in bulk has always helped in pricing. If you have a trailer and some storage buying 20 bales is MUCH more cost effective.

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Used that Sunshine #4 mix and liked it, it was over $40 a bale here a bit pricey. How much did FF increase? Still need to get a few more bags of Happy frog for this season.

For any guerrillas out there, DON’T use bloodmeal, bonemeal, feathermeal, or fished based products. Critters will dig your plants up thinking there is a prize in there somewhere.


Wait up. So in other words its a base. basically the promix then is a waste of stupid money cause if you add those amendments and lil mykos to peat moss at $11 a bale you got the same thing.
So its then a $50 peat moss base that still needs amending. For $50+ a block it should be ready to run.


Compare to the $12 brick ingredients i listed above and everyone overlooked chasin bx and hp hype.

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That is harsh. across the board box stores that have it in Ottawa n Quebec at least in my neck $34.99 If I had a truck and some gas money to hit up various non-convenient locations there are bails. 40 min drive before I hit the first store that still has them. Stores in the city ask for a call or email and they get back to you for pick up approx three days later. Wish I had a truck for a day. Lots of good suggestions. Most out of the budget lol perlite is expensive lol I had the idea of 5 plants, 3 bails BX and use my the rest of my General Hydroponics, 3 part, liq. fert. and I have some Promix BX to mix in as well, used by me already indoors, still good. So like $100-140 ( Delivery) budget.

Does that work, Mykes and Pete = pro mix.( also add perlite.) I love buying Pete feels like such a bargain. lol I tried sourcing per-lite from U-line. They have per-lite and vermiculite. 3.3 cubic bailes. Shipping was the deterant. perhaps not as bad as I remember.

Yeah thats the price here too. Stupid expensive. I thought it didnt need amending. By the time you amend it might as well start with premier brand pea for $11 a 3.8 cu ft at home depot . And add the same amendments and some ph adjuster depending where it falls buy a $10 soil probe to set it where you want it n be done with it. So why is hp and bx so important? When the $12 bricks i posted are the same exact ingredients as the $50 brick

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I dont see why not. When dissecting the ingredients its the same. Just paying for hyped name

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U-line quote for Per-lite in bulk.
"So the cost of 2 bags ( 4 cubic ft x 2 = 8cubic ft total ) is $78
and the shipping is an additional $78 "

*** vermiculite link but the quote was for per-lite. this was a year ago, my memory is shaky.
Vermiculite link from my year old email.

Not sure where youre at but home depot big bags perlite are $16 vigoro brand but its perlite not gold.


The black one with flowers @Gpaw ?

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Im hoping someone can explain the difference but according to ingredient list i dont think they can.

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