Any one having issues getting their soil this year?

Im building a huge soil mix for like 30 clones to go outside. I dont see any differences worth quadrupling the cost. I have not built a soil yet usually just buy roots organic or ff and bury with extra perlite. But in this case im not throwing hundreds of dollars at something can be had for a lot less. Especially if i still need to amend it to death and every amendment changes resting ph so needs to be ph adjusted anyways. If it were straight out the bag perfect maybe but im reading here it still needs tons of amending.

Alright I donā€™t know what I was talking about. U-line has vermiculite, cheap, they use it for shipping so they get lots and I guess donā€™t value it the same as when you buy it in little bags. So is this stuff as useful as per light? You know before I do the math. Perlite is $5 for five liters. ( were I am)

No vermiculite is like opposite of perlite. I think it holds water I bought it once and never used it again. Simple drainage boost is sand and perlite.

only use it or do you use something else as a control?

Still need to adjust ph here is the 2 simple items to do that. Check with cgeap soil probe til its right i guess. Im no pro but ill call bs if it looks like bs.

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Too bad cause this picture looks awesome lol I would feel prepared with this. :slight_smile: image


Thats about how much i need for 30 holes outside and still have some for indoors. Thats what im saying. I think list on that is $700+ for that bundle maybe more.

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I guess it comes down to ph when your mixing your own soil ingredients.
I will get there. I have various leaf , pine needle and broken branch piles. I will get some bags of manure to throw on top, start with some landscaping plants, move to using my soil for veggies than weed. by than I can let go of my box-store soil dependency. Cut cost down.
Last year I was just getting my genetics in the mail by now or even later like just about june, so I have stepped up that game. Playing peek-a-boo with the sun, then bring the plants back inā€¦ minus one celcius soon, again,next week,so I am playing it safe. Note for next year - Soil, store it. lol

Yea, but I donā€™t like the peat I find in the stores. Iā€™d have to screen and sift it, and itā€™s still not as nice as the cheaper promix. Plus the one with the compost mix is what I do for bloom I then use a dry blend mixed at planting time and itā€™s basically water only (top dress more dry blend 3-4 weeks after transplanting) without having all the ingredients to store and cook time involved.


Rootedā€¦ your basic argument about the cost of ingredients is correct. For some people convenience in a certain starting point has to be considered. Peat, powdered dolomitic limestone, micorizae, fungicide, perlite, calcitic limestone a wetting agent, etc. you could mix the same amount for way less money. BUTā€¦ you have to think of the value if your time and the labor involved. Mixing is a big pain in the ass. Mixing for 20 plants in 15 gallon containers is a big giant pain in the ass. If you did it once youā€™d pay for the promix trust me. Regular sphagnum peat most is near impossible to get wet, isnā€™t screened, is less consistent. It actually repels water. I grow in living soil and have to mix. Iā€™d rather start 2/3 of the way there than at the very beginning. Oh and let me add the joys of perliteā€¦ it suck to deal withā€¦ think styrofoam packing peanuts the size of a grain of sandā€¦ oh and it floats in the airā€¦ the worst!


yup used it,like my pro mix hp tons more, when i used it the worse thing was they seemed to have left out the wetting agent,next worse was theres some starter ferts in it. It will work, but I wont use it again.

As far as mixing goes you can get a harbor freight cement mixer for abouit 70 bucks with a coupon.


I think the hardest part about teaching a beginner soil building is that there are so many ways to do it and the most cost effective way may vary from region to region.


For a small batch sure but for some of us not even close. Remember every time you batch you have to add 10 different things. 30 batches and most people would light that mixer on fire.

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yeah above i posted some promix i found at walmart for $12 a block. It has the same ingredients alreasy added though. Thats what i was saying. It doesnt have the biofugicide but according to ingredints neither does the expensive ones except the one that says it does. So i started with couple blocks of the $12 promix and am going to add the other stuff. Hoping it works. I was mainly pointing out the $12 promix has same ingredients so i dont see why the bx and hp are so much more money other than hype and ppl saying its the go to.

right, But twhy would some one using that much have to restrict themself to sticking to a small mixer or buy the retail bags which are small of pro mix

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And ppl using bx and hp are still talking about having to amend it. If its straight out the bag ready to go yes that be good for ease of operation but if you got to remix it with more amendments its about equal to a $50 block of peat.

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Again I think your right . Unfortunately marketing and hype are the backbone of the marijuana industry.


I see a kiddie swimming pool and a hoe making it lil easier to mix. I might try that so i can mix a lot at once. Im used to using 2 large leaf n lawn bags and going back n forth sweating a lot v

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man all i want to do is delete this

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^^^^^ asking @Who Why?.. I think itā€™s a good discussion. Interchange of thoughts