Any original OG members back?

OG OGer here, glad to be back!!


Neither Cecil or Schroomy are in jail.
I’ve spoken with both somewhat recently.


Hello Everyone !!!
Kryptonite here, former Admin of the Original
It’s great to see that no-one is smoking Schwag any more. lol.
Good to see some of the Original OG members still about.


How far back does this site go? When did it launch?


The very first mention of it that I remember seeing, and how I followed here was from picking through the News Groups.
Maybe it was Weed Base on there, I really do not remember exactly. I found them in 1999.
I was a machine builder, back then, welder/fabricator/ trying to teach myself, how to use a computer.
I was more like a primate driving a car for the first time. An UGLY, UGLY time, for me and the computer had.
I found them as searched for, Libertarians/cannabis things.
It took me another 9-10 months of lurking, to make a handle. I did know what a message board was!
I was also an original donator to the site, and I got treasure from that, a beautiful message from OT1, about donating to the site and sometime later on, he sent me a copy of his E Book, Bonsai Training for Mom’s, or something like that. Just golden to me.
It was a defining point in my life, as all these crazy fuckers, in here, EXPLODED in my mind, with such a huge volume of cannabis and how to grow it, knowledge.
It consumed me! I could lose 15 18 hours a day, reading, searching, planning, then acting on those ideas.
It was a bit rough and tumble in here back then, and everyone was learning, even Shabang.
It started as fully open information.
Great idea, but thread after thread of how to steal light kits from outdoor signs, how to steal electric from the power lines, how to hook them, but watch out, it may kill you also, booby trap designs.
It was wonderful and crazy as fuck all at the same time.
Over Grow 2.0 is much more open and friendly.
Anyway, I’m sure others can remember way better an I do, I’m old as hell.


try this and then this.


There is no doubt about that… but it still was an incredible place to be full of knowledge. I like you could lose the whole day reading thread after thread get some sleep and do it again the next day. The shear volume of new members joining on a daily basis was astonishing


I was Hear back in 2000, then the Bust, i stopped growing now i started growing again, but i will learn all the new ways, i am basically a noob staring from scratch once again… Hard times n, now im on my feet once again


Damn!! LOVE THAT!!

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So glad to see the community back in action. I fondly recall spending hours and hours reading the old OG. I especially enjoyed the DIY posts. The off the shelf equipment back then was expensive and many times lacking in quality. This place is such a wealth of information. Thanks!


I was an original member of overgrow back in the day. I want to say I signed up somewhere around 2001-ish. My screen name was TedNuggets or TeddyNuggets. Can’t remember for sure.

I was semi new to growing back then when I first signed up. There was soo much knowledge on overgrow. I remember spending hours and hours and hours reading through posts. It was extremely helpful to me as a newer grower at the time and I’ve been growing ever since, in part thanks to OG.

I actually still have seeds that were sent to me from overgrow members back then.

I have a handful of seeds Quimik sent me of his Matanuska thunder **** x peak 19.

I also have something labelled “G13 bx2 x Orange Crush” sent to me by an old overgrow member in the early 2000’s.

And another strain called “PowerBerry” sent to me by another old OG member.

I remember being a tester for one of RezDog’s sour diesel bx’s (bx 2.5 if I remember correctly. I still have the empty package around somewhere. I’ll try to find it). That’s still the best SD I’ve grown.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to reading through this thread.


Hey TeddyNuggets,
welcome back.
I also ran that Rezdog Sour Diesel, his WillyD, and williams wonder. All three strains, turned you into a bobble head.
I got mine from his website he had set up. Long before the shit hit fan for him. Freaking huge buds also!!



Yeah I was pretty popular with my friends after growing that sour D… lol

I remember when things went south for rezdog. Lots of drama. That was the only strain of his I ever grew as far as I remember.


It’s nice to be back!


rezdog is still a narc and we’ve all seen the paperwork to prove it.
sweet legacy.


At first I thought the page being seized by the Mounties was a joke, sadly it wasn’t :frowning: anyway glad to be back to one of the best recourses in cannabis culture. Cheers to my cannabis family and happy holidays. Thanks for teaching me how to become self sufficient and connecting me to a whole community of like minded people.


I’m a lucky one, because I started growing JUST before OG got seized. I’d been bouncing around between OG and HempCultivation for a few months when I saw the news. We all spent weeks of our lives trying to get the OG grow bible back. That was a crazy time!!! Bush really hated us huh? Sent agents into Canada to extradite Marc Emery, and we all were ASTONISHED that no one said anything about it!! After a few more months, Breedbay opened up and I never looked for another site until last year when I found the IG canna community. But man…the dark ages are over now, huh? I haven’t been here in forever because we’re all out in the open on IG now, even in less than legal places. Times have really changed :blush:

Much love guys!!


The OG Forum was my favorite source of information about growing and breeding 20 years ago when i started growing… it was awesome for a young grower to be able talk to oldschool growers with 20-30 years of experience and learn from them so i never wasted my time and resources! Hope everyone’s well and wish you a Merry Christmas :christmas_tree: currently in Vietnam and here’s already 8AM 25Dec :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Some Topics I recall about the old OG:

DWC was the latest and greatest.
MH for Veg
HPS for Flower
Ballasts got hot

Big CFL was a goto for low cost seedling/maybe even veg

DIY was the name of the game

I made DIY:
Cooltube system
DWC Bucket system (had to put screen over any connections cuz the roots would grow everywhere)
Ventilation system
Panda plastic and a zipper = Grow room
Custom bent light hood with reflective white spray paint
(custom angles for best reflection and coverage)
DIY carbon filter

Still have 100 light sockets in the closet…What was I thinking?

Good times!

Merry Christmas!


The 125w 6400k was best CFL’s for seedlings and vegetation as long as you had enough bulbs to keep them as close as possible to the plant :sunglasses: