Any SAGE or Sensi star growers?

So basically I’m wondering if anyone has grown either of these recently? Recently as in maybe the last 3 years. Was the quality still there with TH seeds? I’ve just heard they are extremely hit and miss, although SAGE is their flagship. Same with sensi star from paradise seeds, it’s their flagship.

Both were probably my favorite smokes when i first started in 2000. I’m very interested in people’s experiences recently. Does sensi star still have that stinky metallic thing and SAGE the great head high? I know that’s alot of questions, and yes I’ve searched every board…they’ve both been kinda absent in recent years with all the chems, cakes, ogs, etc. I really wanna run these for nostalgic reasons. I just remember sensi star being a freaking Mike Tyson knockout lol. Literally see nobody ever talk about her anymore.


Same boat! I wanted to run both of those for the same reason. Nostalgia. I remember oogling the pics in Cannabis Culture. Who knows, maybe these classics are still good from the original sources.

I have a pack of SAGE from 2021 I haven’t run yet. Heard about all the hit-or-miss stuff coming from Spain/Holland and ran other things.

In terms of Sensi Star, I’d probably grab a pack of the F4 from AK Bean Brains in the current day/age.
June 2023 List

Looking forward to some better-educated replies here…

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For the Sensi Star i would try the Derg Corra Collective. Imo closer ,to what i would consider the “original”, then the actual Paradise batches.
I bought mine a few years ago on Seedheaven :green_heart:


Thanks so much for the responses, I’ll check them out. Sounds good although ideally I’d like to run it from paradise seeds…maybe regs instead of fems. Paradise us a very underrated company. I’ve grown their belladonna and and nebula, both were awesome.


Depends where you are…
Here in Europe they are everywhere :wink:

Okay makes sense being a dutch company, they’ve been around forever. They are very original which is why I like em. Luc does actual breeding instead of random elite reversed hybrids.

´Naw, not so sure if Luc is breeding :wink:
They are all in Spain and have their contract farmers.
That’s why i personally avoid most of the big dutch companys.
I like to buy a pack now and in 5 years and get the same stuff out and not playing “pheno-lotto” with each pack :grin:

Out of curiosity, what are the ones you don’t avoid?

Hope I’m not taking this way outside the topic at hand @nick131740

Seedy Simon f.E
Stable 2 Strains for years and the NLX is really nice for outdoor in a northern clima.

I got a couple of reg seeds of Wreckage( Trainwreck x S.A.G.E) if you’re interested.

Pz :v:t2:


i’ve got a Wreckage Master Bastard seedling going at the moment. There’s some sage in there. nothing notable yet.

Oh mamn that sucks seems all the old school seedbanks are in Spain now. Bummer I bet quality has dropped substantially as a result. Same with th seeds? Sounds like I should find somebody that’s worked these lines and offers seeds.

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I have some S.A.G.E. thanks to a member here and can’t wait to get them going. SAGE is one of my favorites. S.A.G.E. n Sour specifically but any SAGE really. As mentioned the wreckage master bastard kush is also available and many members here have it. There’s supposed to be a grow off sometime soon.


Doc D currently has a Sensi Star cross that caught my eye , The White X Sensi Star . Was / is a freebie on this last drop . Both Headie Gardens & GLG show it as a choice . I’d ask Shoe or Jeff for a deal if I were interested .


Years ago I crossed Sour Bubble with Sage n Sour. My daughter named it Sour Pop, only grew it once, but it was good weed.


The derg corra collective used a 2009 black label pack for their reproduction (2016)

Do with that what you will.


What you are looking for is the SAGEMASTER SELECT(Adam Dunn) T’SAGE x O’SAGE. It’s a very old cut of S.A.G.E. that Adam’s friend kept all these years. Adam crossed that to a green onion phenotype(O’SAGE). It has the potency and magic of the late 90’s early 2000’s S.A.G.E. If you are searching through the TH SEEDS S.A.G.E., start with a population of 40-50 plants, you might find what you are looking for. SAGE n’ SOUR and MK-ULTRA are still powerhouse cultivars.

I grew SAGE outdoors many years ago, 2 seasons in a row. It was very good. In 2020, I grew SAGEMASTER (S.A.G.E. Green Onion Pheno x 93 Master Kush) outdoors. Massive plants, 11ft tall. Fat and frosty buds. During week 9, the aromas were green onion, citrus and diluted turpentine. The Afghani genetics were indeed, shining through. The buds have the shape of SAGE, but the density of Master Kush. The spicy, peppery smell of SAGE was also noticeable.


That’s exactly what I’m looking for, are they seeds? I’m in a non medical state. If not I’ll just grab a normal pack, everybody that’s grown it loved it…yield, smell, high quality. I’d like the tall sativa phenotype with the hazey herb smell.

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I grew Jordan’s Sensi Star a few years back. It was easy to grow and as good as I remember. Mine were a mix of fruit and fuel, good potency, great looking buds.


I don’t have the sensi seeds ones but I have this pack

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