Any suggestions on extractors for RSO?

This thing, the Dgold iso3 extractor

How does this work? Don’t think that is available in South Africa yet.

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@Pigeonman what is the process of making RSO with this?

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It is not legal here at the strength needed.

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No idea about RSO but for FECO it will allow me to reclaim the high proof spirit used to pull the goodness out of the decarbsd flower. The end reduction is then firther reduced on a mug warmer in a glass bowl.


I thought you couldn’t use it in it?

What is FECO?


Full Extract Cannabis Oil.

Like RSO but sublingual or topical. Not touching isopropyl for any meds if making unless it’s gonna be used for cleaning something.


So, it can be made in the butter machine? What oil do you use?
I went to Amazon, but it says it is for water???

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A lot of thongs say 1 thing so idiots can sue. :rofl:

Ask lord google the following: using an air still to make feco oil

That’ll give you a few articles and videos to go through as it’ll be more clear than my typing on a phone. :+1:


I found one using the water purifier. Very cool.


how many grams hypothetically do you think one could do per batch in your machine

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Can’t say yet as i have not done a run yet. Im sharing info I have gained from research, testing with the eq i invested in for this, and many conversations with folks that have been doing this a lot longer than I have. Fks like @Shadey .

Theoretically for every 8oz spirit + 14g decarbed flower should make 2ml of FECO.


Yes everclear can be used in magic butter machine


@PSam used one of these and I believe he stopped using it after a couple of runs in favour of the normal coffee filter method


Thanks for posting this. I took the advise you gave @GrowingInThePines and found a video and this is now on my wish list.

:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS awesome! :heart:

I must truly and deeply thank the fuck out of @Shadey for helping me so much with my information gathering for this; which is why/how I can share this with all y’all! :+1:

My friends round 2 of 8 chemo sessions is tomorrow… She’s loosing her hair and is freaking out so I wish I could make my cbd plants grow faster but really they have taken off in the last week so I must assume they are feeling my concerns. :hugs:


Your welcome, glad to help you out man :+1:


Oh man! Chem 4 and Bag of Oranges! You have my attention 100% two strains I absolutely love and anything from useful is amazing IMO. Do you have a thread for this my friend. I actually had a pack of BOO that I misplaced last year, and recently moved and never found so I’m assuming it’s gone :sob: . My mentor and I are working on a cross utilizing BOO as well but had to use pollen as I lost the damn beans lmao. I don’t see enough of usefuls gear around but am glad to hear this. @rooted

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@Pigeonman are you in Canada by any chance?

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Also @Pigeonman if you have any questions hmu I’ve been making RSO for several patients for many many years and have seen exceptional success. I use Everclear as well as ISO 99.9% from a pharmaceutical company which I buy by the skid in fact. Glad to help, give advice if needed

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