Any suggestions on extractors for RSO?

Yes he is.


Sweet! Thank you @Shadey much respect :facepunch:t2:

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I’ve ran some of usefuls stuff, very good :+1:


Hi @TopShelfTrees1 thanks! I am in Scarborough and really appreciate the reach out :smiley:

Any info gifted is always greatly appreciated. I have a source for 190 proof spirits “under the table” but the cost per Litre is why I am going the @Shadey route with making my own spirits.


I’ll shoot you a PM later my friend 100%

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Late to the party but I’ll chime in on this. I do have the ISO-3. I liked it but it was kind of slow. It made good FECO out of just about any kind of alcohol, even low proof but it could take a while. I just didn’t have access to enough material to make it worth the trouble. FECO/RSO is about the only thing it’s good for along with tincture. It does recover your alcohol so that is a plus.

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