Extraction for dummies

I’ll keep this brief. I’ve got 6 Kroger bags full of mostly whole plant material. Not really trim but 2 plants that accidentally revegged in flower, they became way too leafy, so I let them grow full cycle, and immediately froze them. 3 of the bags are also actual stalks with buds, probably 6 weeks in, still super frosty, that I had to trim off due to humidity issues.

So 6 bags full of really sugary product. What’s my best and cheapest route to get some either wax, RSO, or budder out of these? I’m an absolute layman in this field.

Edit: none of these were trimmed. They were immediately tossed intogrocery bags, triple bagged, and put in the freezer.


Best and cheapest may not be the same method.

Best is going to be personal taste some prefer hash to oil and vice versa.

The easiest will probably be budder or a coconut oil infusion, as it requires the least effort and special equipment to do it.

I make RSO as its versatile in its use, less volume to store than infused oil. and can be processed in large batches.


RSO extraction techniques for dummies?
Any keywords for me to research?


An alcohol extraction will be best when combined with a coconut oil or butter 2nd wash go get what’s stuck out. You can also just toss weed in a mesh produce bag, toss that in the medium of choice and gently heat until infused. Use the tips in that thread for more information.


:pray: many thanks to you


With that much material, you will likely go broke using all that alcohol. Perhaps it would be best to make dry ice hash first, then make RSO from the dry ice hash.


Thank you! Yeah alcohol wouldn’t be the cheapest, but I’ve found a gallon of it for 35 Max and on average 26 around here. Depends on availability. My buddy in NC can get access to as much PGA as they need they told me when they asked me a similar question. The mesh produce bag or muslin bag I’ve found works wonders for large batches. I just teabag the bud in whatever I need it in.


A gallon for $35? Is this an under the table deal? Doesn’t sound like taxes are being paid. :money_mouth_face:


Yeah I thought I was doing good w $16 for a 750ml- 95%.

Sounds like some moonshine to me for $30/gal!


It’s not under the table. Just too many breweries around the area. I can get 750ml for 16-20 as well. I choose Graves over everclear. Everclear has a isopropyl alcohol note to it.


I mean pga is essentially legal moonshine TBH


No doubt li picked up a 1.75 liter (420 extractor) for like 30$ and thought that was a hell if a deal!


Oh hell yes! Anything that can reclaim the alcohol used in the extraction is amazing :heart_eyes: it saves so much money. my mother has a source turbo, but still hasn’t used it. Can someone shoot me a link where I can point her to get familiar with it?


Lol nooo that’s what it’s called ! Here’s a pic!



~60£ , “water distiller”

I regularly dump 12kg of sugar in ~40l of water and a pack of quick/turbo yeast, leave it for a week and get to distilling, takes a whole day at 4l at a time, but since I recover it, lasts a good while.
Buying it is way easier but where I am , just too expensive and +90%, yea forget it.

This way you get 40-50% first distillation, about 1h10min. Always remove the first shotglass coming out, gets rid of the methyl alcohol and bad tasting aldehydes.
At this point you can filter through activated carbon, 1.5m long ⌀5cm(2") tube with a coke bottle glued on top to make a funnel. Wash the carbon before you start, get out the dust and acids used in processing.

After the raw product is done, re-distill the concentrate, get ~75-80%.
Just FYI, it is not recommend to distill high proof because of the risk for explosions, I however have and still do. Working under the kitchen extractor on high reduces risk of explosive vapours and the yeast smell in the house.
If you want closer to 90%, one last distillation will do it.
Having the receiving container in ice helps reduce evaporative losses.
20$ for a 4-5l (1gal) of +85% and a whole day of faffing about.

I use the same water distiller to recover the solvent and reduce the extracted material.
Its a good drink too, if you want the purest of pure, do another carbon filtration.

If anyone wants details, do ask.


I have one of these but it also has a temp control. I get 80% alcohol on my first run.

You have to be careful with some makes as they have a hole in the condenser tube as a safety feature, in case the tube gets blocked for any reason, this allows alcohol fumes to escape and are best used outside or somewhere with lots of ventilation.

This is mine I only paid $160 CA


Damn, that’s a good first run.

Very nice distiller
Good pointer on the off gassing hole, good to plug, reduce losses.
Temp controller does make things much easier, wont have to babysit as much.
You found a perfect temp that essentially turns off the flow when its done?
I have the cheapest plastic version, all manual, well except the running dry thermal switch.

My lower first run concentration is mostly because I run until there is only water coming out.
Will re distill anyway so why not, usually i dont even let the yeast stop and clear, just chuck it in there, second distill gets rid of any foaming residue etc.

Found the EU equivalent


Yeah, the problem with water distillers is they are pre set for water, which is a much higher evaporation temp. With the one I have it can be set anywhere between 58 and 108.

It also switches itself on and off to maintain the set temp, so I set mine for 1 degree above alcohol evaporation temp.


Very nice, no wonder you get +80%.
Back in the day I owned a stainless steel german 25l with a 1m fractioning column, when cooling water was set correct to get 78.3C on the top, it gave +90% and then stopped when it was finished.