Any way to reduce consumption without reducing relief?

I always try to bind my thc to a fat, usually coconut oil made for baking.


I am in the same boat as you financially. Don’t use cbn, use delta 8. I have bought from before but I think my next order might go to Those two sites both have decent prices though either way.

Cbn is mild and delta 8 is moderately intoxicating. It’s about 50% as euphoric as delta 9 to me which is still plenty!

Hempire direct is a good site for cbd hemp too ive used. They sell pounds for $500 all day, that’s not just 20% off! They also sell hemp with .7% thc, which is illegal technically rofl!

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I have a place across the the street; Kratom, CBD, Delta 8. I’d give them all try man, but I don’t have budget to move. I already have tried CBD flower three times locally; all over priced and unsmokable. I think the next time I go over there I’ll find some CBD tincture rather.
I’ve really been considering delta 8. I’ve been burned by “holistic” medicine before, so I already don’t trust it. Cautious ordering anything even cheaper online that I don’t get to checkout at all. From what I found CBD works/ but not nearly as long well as when combine with 1:1 THC. Straight THC works better than straight CBD. But once I have some plants to harvest I have plans to test more. Someone passed along some CBD seeds with the others, so I should be able to try at my leisure.

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Well- true to the original intention of this post; I woke up this morning and decided to measure out what flower I had left of the 1/2oz I got on the second, 4.66g. In 8 days, roughly 9.5 grams of flower. I feel… I don’t know. It’s not affordable. I am firmly dependent on it; quitting it’s going to suck. I’ll probably be using my prescribed meds more; the as needed ones anyways… What do you think guys? Where does it stop? 1g a day was when I said I’d stop. I’d never thought it’d use more. When is it abuse? Aside from the sheer quantity, I’m fairly moderately medicated. Very high function; just building a tolerance like a son of a bitch (as I do with many prescription drugs too).

I feel lost guys, cannabis is helpful but this looks, feels, and certainly costs the same as abuse. Only thing difference is I’m not strung out.

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Hempire direct will send you a free 1/8th as long as you pay shipping of some of their legendary og strain which is in their mid range. I found it able to put street prices of real weight of weed to shame at only ~$500 pound. I don’t think the regular prices are fair, I think the stuffs only worth so much, but the new harvest will be around the corner, and the old crops will be on deep discount and you can buy the strains at the oz level at the pound price at a lot of the websites such as I bought from them during their fire sale some ounces of zskittles for just like $25 an oz and I couldn’t be happier with it. Since it’s legal I would grow my own before I’d spend even maybe $50 an oz on the stuff tho and so I’ll only be buying in weight and saving in the freezer cause it lasts like that real well.

Regular black market weed is way more thc then I need. I use wwaaaayy more hemp then weed now that hemp is legal since it’s actually medicating without intoxicating. I use like 4:1 hemp to weed to feel the way I want to feel and the added cost saving is only bonus!

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Maybe try kratom too. has good kratom at a great price. I use the red and green Bali strains as meds as well.

I mean, yeah, I’m down to pay shipping. Sweet, I’ll check that out this weekend. I’m sitting here staring at the weed I have left, still haven’t decided. I might stop fully until I can get these seeds raised. It’s hitting hard, dopamine center is not happy about what’s about to happen, and I can feel it setting in. I don’t know if that reinforces that I need to stop or just makes it more painful.

Anyone been here? I’m literally going to have to choose between being happy or eating if I don’t back way off, and cutting back to 30-50% dosage is going to a massively suck. But how long will it realistically last? I’ve gone through Benzo withdrawals, I haven’t been able to stand them much more than a day. Also afraid I’ll turn too hard to the Benzos, but that is a different matter I guess. I’ve never abused my prescriptions; and I’d like to not start. MMJ included.

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I find cbdv highly satisfying and makes me feel able to sit on my hands. is good for varin compounds.

I go running/walking 20 miles a week for dopamine myself rofl… I do my exercising after a big bowl and love it. I def have learned I use weed for dopamine sometimes myself and use ma haung from China in my coffee more specifically for dopamine. I make sure to get magnesium. I’ve bought kavakava from even but that is also as expensive as street weed. I think it’s often about dopamine receptors with weed for most people not cannabinoids. The states should legalize coca leaf tea for dopamine cause ma haung is the best I have found that’s not a pharmaceutical and it is quite thermogenic and unfriendly if you aren’t careful.

I think vegetarianism is right up there with cannabis for meds too, btw, and I do that too!

I def know what ur going through and have found hemp and delta 8 the best meds for the price since my state isn’t rec legal.

I find actually, it is the cannabinoids that help. Other dopamine stimulants tend to feel kind of hollow (to me) but I am easily addicted to things that output high dopamine. Danger, sex, weed. I’ve been in bar fights, just because I got to into it. I did somethings I’m not proud of in Highschool, all because of dopamine addiction as lack of self control. I thought I was mature enough now but I guess not. I need to switch to a regimented medicine schedule with a structured and safe regular t break.

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Employment and laughter are def best medicines. The way I see it is I just need to keep busy and/or a dopamine supplement and you’re right about thc releasing dopamine. Of course cannabinoids are euphoric for their own receptors but I think the big problem society has with it is the dopamine aspect that can make people panic. That’s why hemp is now legal without the thc. Do you mind me asking why you don’t have an adequate source of income? Maybe you don’t need a drug but just some special career that you are passionate about. That is mostly my problem with money but not having money can also be great for the soul. I think God is having me challenged on purpose because money can truly be a root to evil and so I don’t complain im poor in the pockets because I’m rich in the heart.

PMed you, as it got a bit in depth for the post here. Anyways, in short I work the entertainment industry, no work til like next festival season… hopefully. Beyond that I’m suffering bad GI problems and can’t even eat enough to work right now. I can barely get around the house and normal errands. Anything over 20-30lbs is like punching myself in the gut. For a few hours.

I have a gracious family to take care of me, but I’m asking more than I’m comfortable taking at this point.

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I haven’t read the whole thread, so I don’t know if this was mentioned already, if it was forgive me:

Have you heard of the Cannabis Resensitization protocol?

I’ve done it before and it works for me. It helps to bring your tolerance down but only requires a 48 hr total abstinence period.

You don’t have to fill in the silly worksheet or anything, but basically follow the guide on dosing and you should find in a week your cannabis will be more effective.

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It wasn’t mention here yet, but it is the plan I intend to follow. Just been pushing it off longer and longer. How much would you say it reduced your tolerance? Last month I was at 1/4 a week, few months before that one 500mg cart was all I needed. I’m trying to figure out how I can maybe just abstain a day or two every month to keep it reasonably lower. Might not reset to zero, but keeps it from getting crazy like it is now. In theory anyways.


I’m pretty much out myself, had crop failure last cycle.
Might be a bit sleepless and agitated for about a week. Like going on a diet or quitting caffeine, don’t want to but if there is no choice.
Pretty sure its nothing like benzos, those are pretty hardcore, but sure, I really really want some.
Will just wait 2.5 months, its just what it is. In a week I will be totally sober, jeesh, thatll be interesting, been on a steady roll for 6 months now.

Once you get your growing dialed in you’ll have all you need or your grow isn’t big enough :slight_smile: .

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Yeah, lol, I’m going to start 3 seeds now, see how they do. I don’t have much light, but I have space. So I’ll make sure to fill it. Savings alone will pay for better lights, then I’m set.

Benzos honestly suck for me. It’s like someone covered my brain in some kind of cloudy, sticky slime. As soon as I start coming off I want more. It will even mimic a panic attack. I don’t see why people use it recreationally, but to each his own I guess. I only use it because it’s better to feel shitty than pure terror. Otherwise I’m happier leaving it alone. Actually, it cuts the psychoactive effects of THC and makes you feel less high than you are. Possibly what got me into this mess.

Aside from cannabis the only drug I’ve ever enjoyed remotely was fentanyl; I was in twilight sedation. It was beautifully disassociated while still all in my control. It was like playing a me simulator. However I won’t be taking it up recreationally, lol.


Whenever I do it I go from 1/2 oz a week to 1/4 per week, so 50% reduction, but those first few days are like a full T-break. It does creep back up if you keep going at it hard like I do.

Edit: math and Mary Jane, not even once.

Yeah, I’m measuring out flower too. I use to do it but got so tired of measuring out 0.03g of ground flower, ok now write that down. Hmm… was that enough? Ok, two, weigh, write, smoke. Oh, no I got too much. Then I forget when I fucking took my last hit, of course. It’s hard to remember one specific thing when you do it a lot. But yeah man. 75% I can dig. How were the days after the fast? I can get someone to stay with me two days easier than whole week, but I get pretty unstable when my meds are off, so just in case.

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That first smoke of the day is such a relief, and I find I already feel the effects more after just the 2 days off. Each day it feels like it affects you more and more.

I honestly think part of the effectivity of this protocol is the presence it forces you to have - I think a good deal of my tolerance is mental, as in my brain is used to how it feels to be stoned so it thinks it isn’t stoned anymore. But close my eyes and lean back… yep, definitely still stoned.

Yeah, a lot of what got me into this hole was I stopped being careful. I thought I was, but that was the dopamine talking. If you stay regimented, it’s medicine. Start slipping up and it’s downhill fast. I’m glad this is a forgiving drug, you get a reset pass every time.

I may be overblowing it all in my mind. I’ve come off so many harder drugs than cannabis I’m expecting the worst. I’ve had days where I missed wake and bake, intentionally or whatever, and really I just get kinda confused and irritable. I can be a grumpy dumbass for a few days.

Just be kind to yourself is all. Realize you’re grumpy because the cannabis has taken the reins on your dopamine, and your brain is all “wtf, where’s the dopamine?”. Makes sense that you feel irritable and confused.

I lose my appetite 100% whenever I do the protocol, so it’s like a full body flush for me because I also tend to stop eating.

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