Anybody else like to fish?

northern Maine. perch are considered junk fish here because they’re invasive. the bios want them gone. good luck with that because there are 10’s of millions in the bigger lakes here. even fishing under the ice over 100ft of water you still catch them. they feed off the schools of rainbow smelt and get huge. my shacks in 35 fow and when they come in shallow at daybreak to feed the fish finder is solid from top to bottom with them. i occasionally eat them. keep the 12in. plus and feed the rest to the eagles. one morning last year i tried fishing for them with 3 hook smelt rigs on my u.l pole. from 7 to 11am caught 304. couldn’t keep bait on the hooks fast enough. looked like a war zone with all the perch on the ice.


remind me jan. 1 and ill fillet a bunch for you. no dry ice around here but if frozen in vacuum sealed bags in a insulated box, sent next day air they should stay frozen. what state you in? love me some deer jerky or summer sausage.


I’m in MN, have to see what I can do on the deer summer sausage haven’t hunted since I’ve been up here.
Need to get off my ass and start pounding on doors.
Lots and lots of public land here but everybody hunts it.
The deer aren’t as tasty up here as to Illinois or iowa.


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Sport fishing in the Azuero Penisula , Los Santos.

Trawling on Pangas

Whayoo, and Dorado caught that day

Haven’t been for a while…but a trip soon.


yeah. not much deer here either. me and my brother go to a friends farm in M.D every few years. lots of deer there. moose on the other hand out number deer here 3 to 1 but its a lottery system and hard to get picked. I’ve only been picked once in 30 yrs.


whites just started to show up also about 4 years ago. bucket biologists have been busy! i prefer whites for the fight and eating as well.


If white perch and sunfish got any bigger, I wouldn’t fish for smallmouth bass lol. Every year I find it hilarious how the regional taste for fish differ.


Never heard of a white perch little less eat one.
I lived on the Mississippi and Rock river the nw/NC illinois/Iowa.
Every once in a while youd hear of a yellow perch hole but it were Sheepshead that we caught the most of, definitely a bottom feeder.
One of those kind you have to fry to almost a burnt to eat. Lol
Believe they were more of a drum but we called them perch.
Usually caught while catfishing with nightcrawlers.
Yuck, orientals love them


Sunnies awful tough to beat, better than crappies or bass.
Northerns are better than walleyes in my book. Alot more fun to catch also.


We get some pretty nice sunnies here

Numerous 42-48" gators


Numerous 42-48"class gators.
What a blast it is up here.


I don’t actually Eat fish lol, I was referring to their fight!


We call sunnies twisters 10-12" fish


like bluegill but none around here. we have muskys in some lakes/ rivers on the border thanks to the Canadians. my biggest is 27lbs. white perch are a cousin to stripers and were originally only found in salt water estuaries. they have been spread all over the state and pound for pound probably the best fighting fish there is. i prefer them to yellows as they get bigger with thicker fillets. they don’t nibble like yellows. they smash the lure or bait then run hard like their striper cousins! if you’re there when they push the baitfish to the surface just cast into them with anything that looks like a minnow. its like fishing a stocked pond. seen filling a large cooler in 15-20 min. we watch the gulls. if they congregate chances are theres a feeding frenzy going on there. great fun! I’m sure you probably have white perch nearby. they have been spread all over the country. black crappie on their spawning beds are my 2nd favorite panfish to catch/ eat but we need to drive 3 hrs. south to get them.


Very similar to a white bass


Finally got out today, and got a salmon (land locked Atlantic) that was close to the biggest one I’ve caught with a fly. Fully extended, the net measured it at 21”


nice kype on that male. must have put up one hell of a fight on the flyrod! what weight you run? my biggest is a 4lb on a 6wt. about 10 yrs ago. got it in heavy current on a sz 10 adams i tied . 6lb maxima tippet. i was really lucky to land it. my father fished that same spot a year later and landed a 5 1/2lber that i swear was the same fish. this was on the Fish river in Soldier pond where i was raised. my biggest brookie of 4lbs 24in. came from in front of the bridge there in town many moons ago. theres still great flyfishing there in late may thru june. all i have to say is olive elk hair caddis in sz 12.


I was using a 5wt, caught on a sz16 hotspot nymph. They were barely giving the steamers any attention, but nymph under and indicator worked if we payed attention. It was in a sheltered spot on a lake, so still water bobber fishing with flies. The takes were extremely light, most never even pulled the indicator under, we just saw them move slightly like tiny sunfish were nibbling on it.


I do , I eat what I catch.


Good, I’m all for it as long as your keeping fish responsibly and actually eating it. Here in Maine, the bios are encouraging people to keep fish, not enough people are since catch and release has become the norm for most. In other states, I hear people are over harvesting, or not being selective and end up pulling out all the big breeders and the population becomes full of stunted fish.