Anybody else like to fish?

Nope the Panthers and Lightning play on glass :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Yep just down the road from me about an hour and a half

Shows exactly how much I know lol.

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I know, right

I’m like FL has a hockey team? I’ve just met so many southerners that never seen snow, or “ice that wasn’t in a cup” as one girl put it lol.

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Many of us southerners found out about snow on March 13, 1993.

A week later is when Florida outlawed ice fishing.



Those are good size, better throw a few back so the ice breeds next year…what did ya get them on? @Seamonkey84 I just picked up a elec. drill adaptor…Hope my wrists can hold out lol (been turning wrenches for 40 yrs., think I can manage without the clam plate). Note to self Install HUGE wrist strap and safety clasp for drillbit chuck hmmm wonder if I can hook a loose wire loop around the chuck,that won’t bind. don’t want to lose the auger if the chuck loosens…Daffy Duck to the drawing board!


Most important thing to remeber when using a auger on a drill, do NOT put and downwards pressure on it once it gets going, I always bear some of the weight and actually don’t let the auger go down as fast as it wants to. If you apply pressure or allow the auger to pull itself down at full speed, it will likely catch at the bottom of the hole or it won’t break through evenly and it will pull you down to the ice.


I’ve been meaning to chime in on this thread. I just love fishing! My dad and grandfather instilled that love into me when I was young and it still burns strong. If you can, take a kid fishing/hunting/hiking/camping and teach them respect and stewardship of the environment. It will create positive lifelong memories.

There’s a place I enjoy largemouth bass fishing that’s full of primitive campgrounds and stripmine ponds. Basicly, it’s completely free and you just show up and choose your own adventure. Always a blast!


Took my friends daughter down to the creek beside our building in the city a couple weeks ago.Sure put a smile on her face when she landed this chinook.

I have lost count of how many kids and adults i have got to find a love for fishing.Nothing better than a day on the water making memories


Hocky in aa state where there r no frozen farm ponds is sacreligeous


Yeah well there ain’t no ice in n.c. min. right now either.

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This thing is badass!! Screw a fish! Let’s go romp that through the woods! I crashed a quad when I was like 16 into a damn tree going like 50mph. Lucky I was tripping on mushrooms and my body went limp. My cousin was on the back of the quad, he got shot into a tree almost! Came dawn with leaves and sticks. Ha ha.

Let’s take a moment here.
Ronnie Lindner passed yesterday at the age of 86 at home from a brief bout of cancer and another underlying condition.
Those that don’t know who this man was, his brother Al and him was In-Fisherman.

Among other things they accomplished was helping to discover the depth finder revamping of Ranger boats way back when. Lindy rigs just about everything in one way or another they had their hands in all tackle and lures.

And a helluva lot of lures that we use today.
Different styles in fishing tactics, these boys did it all, for us.
Truly pioneers and will be missed by all in the fishing community all over the world.

If it weren’t for these guys, we’d still be scratching our asses.


Bummer. That sort of reminds me of Tom Mann from Eufaula, Alabama. He started a lure business in 1950’ish and was a trailblazer for big bass fishing. I got to meet him as a kid in his business and tour the place. My dad was a huge bass and crappie fisherman and fished his lures all of the time.

Sounds like the same type of souls on opposite sides of the country.


The Lindner family is was huge globally.
I’m familiar with Mann lures.


Had a subscription to In-Fisherman, when I was a teen. Learned a shit ton of methods. Haven’t owned a BassBoat, but have repaired thousands over the decades. Those Lindner Boys truly lived the dream. RIP Ron.


I think every fisherman picked up In Fisherman in sometime of their lives.