Anybody else like to fish?

Every is a big word.

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and every fish was a trophy…fisherman use big words…every fisherman is up with that, IT’S CODE BRO! Cheers


“Well, that’s the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.”

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We have walked the Amerian River around Sailor Bar a few times over the past few weeks and the Chinooks are going airborne. It is a beautiful sight to see a 24"+ fish completely breach the surface for no reason at all.


Man, would I love to fish for fresh salmon! If I had access to fresh fish consistantly that’s the only meat I would consume.


There are some great rivers up there to fish.


My cousin catch this coho while steelhead fishing. It was wild so we let is go. Then found out we could keep one wild, and then found out that the re ord for the river was only 11.75lbs… oh well next time.


Lol you dont want to eat too much salmon (or any fish really) from the lower great lakes. Just asking for cancer or shit.
But hey, the same guy eating 10 walleye and a samon per wk is usually the same guy who thinks a covid vaccine is going to kill them :rofl:

Anywho, heres a fall mudshark from a few yrs back. I used to go once a yr to try to get a female for her eggs for steelhead fishing but its too far of a drive now and cant go on wknds cuz theres a thousand guys stompin around.
Edit: fish in the pic is obv a fall spawner. I mean tons of ppl do eat the salmon throughout the year but its def not good for ya.


I’m on the west coast so I don’t worry about it as much but I do live by Hanford nuclear site so I’m already glowing hahaha


I actually release most of my fish lol. But the fresh water salmon to eat are the Atlantic type, like we have in Maine. or the little Kokanee that are more stream trout sized. Everyone says the Great Lakes salmon all taste greasy. Different forage than the wild in the ocean. People in other states say trout are gross and go for perch and bluegills, in Maine, most people only fish for trout, salmon and bass, everything else is junk fish :laughing: if it bites, I’ll catch fish for it lol.


I. Am buying a piece of property in maine on the penobscott river it has salmon bass and trout in it as wellas xa few other species not to mention the venison that wandrs down to get a drink of water i can wait to fly fish next spring for salmon


Right on if it has fins fur or feathers ill eat it cant wait to get back upto mbaine next spring


I know better than to eat the fish out of Erie and the other “great” lakes lol. Ever hear of the Cuyahoga river fires? Shit’s so polluted it’s caught fire at least 6 times. I think there was a smaller fire on it recently that didn’t get much attention. Most of what I catch goes right back into the water. I can’t help but fantasize living in the Pacific northwest and catching sockeyes and chinooks, cooking the red fillets over planks of ceder. Much better than yellow pearch and walleye stuffed with heavy metals and other pollutants.


But isnt that just a marinate. Lol sorry couldnt resist

Peace out and stay safe


perch, trout and salmon are all good to eat here (lake michigan). the Chinooks are good August-September when they’re in season but you should avoid eating the ones you catch in late October. they age and get nasty by that point. i could be wrong but i think coho are always fresh when they’re in season, but i don’t remember when that is exactly, i haven’t fished in ages but really want to get back into it next year. perch are off limits from may-halfway through june but they’re always fresh and one of the better fish to eat here anyway. just stay away from carp and catfish etc. especially the carp i’m told.


That’s bad ass and a hell of a fish! I’ve never caught salmon. I was out scouting recently and a couple of our state park lakes have Koknaee (I think that’s right). I’m not even sure if they are eating fish? I’m going back up there in spring or a warm weekend in winter. Only problem is it’s in a really high altitude valley. South Park Colorado on the South Platte river. The lakes and the stream are full of 20" plus fish.

Our State Park lake near the house has a warning about Walleye. They recommend eating only one Walleye over 18" because of mercury. This was coal country a century ago. It’s the only fish that accumulates the mercury in their system. But that sort of turns me off right away.

Even the oceans are showing problems. Don’t they have the radioactive fish on the west coast now, from Fukushima?

I saw where they figured out what was killing the spawning salmon in I think Alaska. It had mystified them for years. It was some obscure chemical in the materials to make tires and the runoff from the roads over years became steady in the rivers. I really hope we start doing better protecting our fisheries. They’re sacred!


Fishing is a great time to get out and experience nature.
Pass on the love for the great outdoors. Bass, crappie, walleye,wiper,striper, blue cat or channel are my favorite. I mostly catch and release mine.


Just found out that property was boughtboutbfrom under me didntbget a contract quick enuf no worries ill find something


Hang on… I was so nervous this year fly fishing for steelhead and salmon… drag on the fly rod wasn’t gonna slow them down.

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Come on over!! Where you looking at?