Anybody else like to fish?

Nice boulders. Where is that?

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It almost looks like Eleven Mile State Park to me. I’m going back there this summer with the kayak. It’s up in South Park. That may be not it but the south side of 11 Mile looks like that.


That’s not a small mouth… That’s a baby grouper. Jesus what a fish…


Clearly everyone is out fishing instead of posting here lol


That happens tomorrow.

East winds 10 to 15 knots. Seas 2 to 3 feet. Dominant period 4 seconds. Protected waters a moderate chop.

Could be a little bumpy.

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Heading to one of my favorite lakes with @Jinglepot tommorow for the first time since winter. Tied a few flys to try, I’m still learning lol.

I didn’t follow any patterns, just kind of stuck stuff to a hook.


Hey :wave:

I just wanted to share with ya the place I get some of my spinner lures from:

Hand made by this fella Redirecting...
Check em out, Great results :muscle::+1:

Personally I love the Newfoundland flag ones.



I want
To start fishing but I don’t have a clue where to start,
I do live
Near the ocean


I was trying to catch Salmon with my best friend, I ended up catching and releasing a rockfish


that´s def. good requirement to start fishing :wink: if you not want to throw a line directly from the shore,you should try it on a boat…or at least from a mole or boatswalk

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Last time I was on a boat was in the 80’s Liverpool to Belfast ferry Christmas eve they were showing the running man movie lol

Sea was that bad though the ferry was going to sink lol haven’t been on one since plus I can’t swim


What’s that old saying…“Wind from east…”
The wind was a steady breeze of about 12-15 mph when we launched. Straight out of the east, but the weather liars predicted it to fall during the day. We set out in search of crab trap buoys, and deployed fish attractors. The bay water was the color of diarrhea with enough chop and wind that running in a quartering sea was the equivalent of a saltwater shower. Air temp was about 60F and that is chilly for mid-May in the sunshine state.

I caught the first fish of the day about 9:30A. It was just a bit short of a keeper when it measured 17.75". They have to be 18" to be legal. Back to the bay for you.

The second fish came aboard about 10A and the wind was noticeably dropping. This one measured 18" on the tip of the tail. Yay!

The third fish was on a few minutes later and it was a small black tip shark.

A few minutes later the wind began to steadily increase. Then it began to blow and whitecaps and 2’ seas made for reduced speed and a body beating in a 22’ skiff.

The video is a small taste of the building wind.

We made it back to the launch about 1P, and we decided to take a break to see if the wind would drop. The Hole in the Wall was ready to feed us and the beer was cold. I had a grilled grouper sandwich and a couple of Sweetwater 420’s (what else? :wink: ) At 2P it was still blowin’ and all the flags were flying perpendicular to their flagpoles. Our day was done.



You didn’t get skunked, nobody got hurt, and you got good food at the end of the day. I can understand some disappointment at the lying weatherman, but that still qualifies as a good day.

Learning is half the fun. I can remember doing the exact same stuff, going crazy with no pattern.


Wind from the east, three days at least.

That’s the New England saying.


Here we say wind from the east, bite the least, wind from the west, bite the best. I guess it all depends on your area.


Interesting. I’m pretty sure this has to do with the predominant westerlies. When we get an east wind here off the Atlantic it is definitely unfavorable. When a northeaster comes up the coast it’s one day comin, one day stayin, and one day leavin… at least. So when it blows from the east the fishermen fix their gear etc.


Bon Appétit, fresh crappies

Chef Robert’s was here last night, best breading anywhere.


It was definitely a good day. The weather man is a known liar so there was no disappointment.


The east winds brings in the worst storms.

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