Anybody had a plant only grow 2 and 3 blade fan leaves?

I’m gonna take a couple cuts anyway and see what happens. If it ain’t growing the right amount of leaves it may not follow the normal rules of auto flowering. It vegged for 70 days before it started flowering so it’s definitely a weird plant.


@ReikoX I have successfully reverted an auto. It took forever and wasn’t worth the effort but I did it! I’ve also cloned one. Same issues.


I’ve heard they just continue growing from the stage you clipped them at. Like they won’t reveg into a whole plant. Is that what happened when you did it? Is there any benefit you can see?


That’s my experience. No advantage because the clone ended up being a half pint. Could use it for breeding, though.

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Ohhhh I forgot I got some pollen. So i should take a cut and pollinate it. I think it’s Syrian x Lebanese pollen I got from Lefthand. This is gonna be dope lol.

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Second this looks like re-veg to me.
Check timers and for light leaks.
Had similar issues after timer went to 24hours on
Good luck

It’s an auto lol

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It took forever to reveg under very strong continuous light and then when I flowered it, she didn’t really stretch but instead just did that scraggly auto thing.

I had no idea what autos were at the time so I just did what I always did lol


I’ll never grow an auto again prolly once I get all my photo moms setup. I only grew autos this time because I needed some bud and figured it would be a long enough time to sneak in a harvest while my photos vegged out and could be cloned into hydro. Plus I was very impressed with what I saw Mephisto accomplishing with their genetics.

Didn’t know it was gonna take 75 days for them to flower :laughing:

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I’d say it’s gotta be genetics then. Thinking mine this summer probably was too

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If you ever get stuck on a reveg give her a bigger pair of shoes.It helps them go ok I have more room now so let’s flip back to veg and fill this pot out.I had one that took me over 70 days some of them take forever to bring back and now it’s a fucking monster


Take a look at her this morning.This was the last of my Texada I had in the planet.I didn’t know how to reveg so I lost my other two cuttings I made a point to give this one out.It’s nice to get your cut back when shit happens.go for two weeks 24 hour light then flip it back to 18/6 This one is almost ready to make a whole tray of cuttings soon.I flipped her from a solo to the one gallon and I’m positive it helped


I can not name the cause, but it is in the genetics. I see it once in a while. If I remember some of my freebies the Long Bottom Leaf crosses, did that a bit. If I would have paid serious money for them, maybe I’d ask the breeder. I also do not think anyone should really care, unless you spent $1,000.00 a pack for them, LOL!


When I was a kid we used to look for baseball cards that had errors. Growing is like collecting baseball cards looking for that one pheno or something unique.

I don’t think this one is any different other than the leaves. It’s just an error card lol


You can get those types popping up in diffrent seeds, usualy types that have had to be hevily worked or have had much inbreeding done. Its just the genetics of that particular seed. They normaly yield much lower an are stressed more easily an can be suceptable to conditions an pests an dieses easier too. Can usualy have a lot of resin developing which is probably the defense mechanisim in overdrive trying to keep the plant safe from conditions.

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I was reading a persons reddit speaking of Capulators MAC strain, as being a triploid hybrids over a diploid.
Now in my world, as a I don’t know shit about this stuff, nor the implications, but I am running his Mac V2, and mosdef it is 3 leafed plant. I have months to go with her, and she is the first, so again, not making any assumptions.

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