Anybody use a humidor to store their weed?

The real benefit to all the drying curing/storage machines is the ability to control the atmosphere at a relatively cheap price. Where I’m at the AC bill is roughly 500 a month in Sumer set at 78 . If we were to try to keep a dry room at proper temps and RH for a dry room. You could probably buy a cannatrol every month instead of your AC bill. It’s more about being able to maintain that in a cost-effective manner. We have the Most expensive kilowatt per hour on the planet here in SoCal. As your electric bill climb like ours this will become necessary to make it affordable.


No you are right!


Got my wheels spinning

Man I coulda used this last November.


I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. I saw a small one that was just a lined box with a sleeve for a boveda in the top. Pretty close to the standard way.

If you have weed to spare :joy: use it and consider it a write off.

I also do climate controlled rooms for drying but not for storage.


I think the humidity can change in a sealed jar as the temperature changes, something to do with how air density and therefore air pressure changes as the temperature changes. I keep seeds in a sealed jar with a couple of silica gel packs and one of those digital hygrometer things. When the jar is in the fridge it reads <50% but if I take it out it climbs to 70% even though it’s still closed.


@DougDawson JELLY!!!


I imagine it’ll work 100%. Pre-dry, then place in this humidor until stable, then jar/grove bag. :+1:


Right. I THOUGHT that’s how “relative” humidity works. Like the reason for a lung room, but maybe I don’t understand correctly 🤷🏻


In all my years, jars have served me very well.
However, we all face different levels of humidity, as I’m finding out now, that since we added on to our home, a couple of years ago now, nothing I cut dries as it did for 17-18 years maybe.
I’ve had to rethink my whole drying time scenario.
As I really think about Dougs idea, of a humidor and or the Cannatrol cabinet, I myself must consider something along those lines.
I ALWAYS was dry or jar ready, in 5-7 days, anytime, or season of the year, before the addition.
Now I can hang plants, and they do not get jar ready, hell for weeks now!
So I’ve started using card board, and brown bags to aid the drying time.
Something that was once perfect, drying, has become an issue for me.
I’m way to much of cheap bitch, to shell out that much money for something I can craft myself…now I’m going to find a path.
Thanks Doug for posting up this noodle knocker for me, as I’ve just been getting by.


Yes, when temps increase RH goes down and vice versa. I store stuff in a cool basement closet where temps don’t tend to fluctuate much so it’s not a big issue for me but you are correct. I can see that being an issue when stuff is in a room that fluctuates too much.


Man your gonna need an extra house to store all your free shit. :grinning:


That’s kind of my thinking. Hang the stuff until it reaches that point and then instead of jarring and burping, put it in this unit until it stabilizes. Then jar or Grove bag it. It will be interesting to see how stable the machine can keep things. Seems to have all the bells and whistle’s. Unit costs $400 so I would hope it does a good job but time will tell. Either way all I will be out is a bit of weed to test it with so not a big deal. If it does work I will be pretty happy.


LOL, I got one. Took a pile of the stuff to my cottage on my last trip. :wink:

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How have you been doing @PadawanWarrior ?

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I know people are spending $$$ on cannatrols which looks similar to the item you posted up above @DougDawson . Maybe they’re similar in how they function? 🤷


It should be. It has heating, cooling and RH control. That’s really what the Cannatrol does. Just provides an environment with a stable RH and temp. The same thing I shoot for in my drying tent but made easier.


I have heard with the cannatrol it cures completely with 8 days or so. I could be entirely wrong though. I enjoy my Mason jars and stinking up my home twice a day for a few weeks :grin:


Good. Just growing along as usual. I’m messing with Coco just for fun. I was using coco for cloning and then just figured I’d have some fun. One plant was so cute in a tiny little pot but that thing got huge fast. It’s taking up half my closet now. I’m still doing the no-till thing but coco is fun too. I like both.

I’m on my second attempt on trying to reverse an Arctic Cookies (ARC(Alien Rock Candy) x Cookies and Cream) and self it. My first attempt had balls but no pollen. I’ve got 3 more that were sprayed with STS in case this second attempt fails too. So if I can’t get pollen out of one of them I’ll have to keep trying. I don’t give up easy. I am using a different STS recipe this time. Following the Schwaggy method this time.

The reversal is the front right. Then there’s a female of one, a GG4, and a Love Affair(GG4 x ARC). These are all in coco too.

And we’re going down to Mexico for vacation in a couple months too. Can’t wait. The wife and I have never been on a vacation alone since our kids were born so it’s long overdue.

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Do you vac seal them? I just started doing that last round. Don’t know if it makes a difference yet. Haven’t opened any jars since I packaged stuff up. I’ve thought about a mini fridge but I’ve heard mixed reviews on using them. The humiditor Doug’s getting sounds good but that shit’s expensive.


Nice man, looks great. I do love my coco. I don’t vacuum seal but may start doing that. Inkbird was going to send me a vacuum sealer to test next month.


For storage only any peltire style wine fridge will work excellent for long term jar storage. You can find them used very inexpensive on social media sites. If you pick up a tiny dehumidifier and RH ink bird controller you can make a highly functional wine fridge dryer. I love mine. I will get the cannatrol soon but the converted wine fridge dryer has served me well. I have not tried vacuum sealing it would be interesting to see if it changes things long term on the flavor profile.