Anybody use a humidor to store their weed?

My biggeat problem with the small units is volume. With indoors i could put it to use if i dry off branch, but for my croptober tiss way too smol.


But it goes up to 11

I agree though. And the sticker shock on the fancier units is something else.


All weed gets old.

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I have a nug encased in amber that will last a million years.

Seriously though I have a vacuum sealed jar in my closet thatā€™s got to be 4 years old by now. Maybe I should look at itā€¦


That unit can dry and cure 2 plus lbs at a time. And store 4 lbs. very similar to cannatrol size. They do make units much bigger for restaurants Liquor stores, etc. You see them used from time to time on social media sites. I think for me a dedicated dryer and separate storage will be perfect. Allowing me to keep jars a long time not affected by whatever is the dryer.


That looks great @BTYGMO. Nice job. If I may, how do you introduce and remove humidity. Awesome thread. Iā€™ve been wanting to diy a until for some time

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This looks like a great idea, especially if you get to test it for free. I do wonder about odor though, not that I dislike the smell :sweat_smile:

Seems to me that open curing is going to be most efficient although it would be interesting to see how they compare against a jar in there. The jar might still need burping and some more attention. Being able to play with humidity and temperature could lead to some very beautiful product.

Recently I saw someone curing in a freezer and also for storage that seems to work. This has the advantage of no odor, which might be interesting depending on the situation.

Another way I heard was to bury the vacuum sealed buds for curing. Being able to inspect and take appropriate action is lacking here but itā€™s all interesting to me.

A long cold cured bud seems the main goal and I do agree with that :ok_hand:

Anyway, Iā€™ll be checking in to see how it performs.


I have a thread on OG about building a dryer. I gotta figure out how to copy the thread link. Just type in my tag line and dryer in the mean time Iā€™ll See if I can figure out how to copy the link. Cheers. I love mine any questions hit me up youā€™ll love it itā€™s not difficult and minimal work to complete.


I use a humidor for my smoke stashā€¦in Grove Bags

Bigger bags are lightly vacuumed and in a Coleman cooler :sunglasses:


Go for it, itā€™s probably alright. I vac seal in plastic bags and just busted out some 2 yo weed that wasnā€™t particularly great when it was made (bagged too wet) and itā€™s actually pretty ok. still potent, surprisingly heady, and the fishy smell from being too wet has mellowed out considerably. Not bad/10


Here you go bud.


Thank you @DougDawson !!! Also many thanks for everything Sir!!!


Always a pleasure bud. :v:

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