Anyone ever listen to what their plants are telling them?

If the glowing bush could talk to Moses, then the girls can talk to us.

my plants are talking to me especially when I smoke them

Some folks think there is solid science to the Grounding idea.
The discovery of N-butyl rubber, or the making of sneakers back in the early 60’s, has separated us from the Earth/ground, and is the cause of some issues, inflammation, anxiety, restless leg syndrome, and others.
We are in part electrical beings, we receive and send, once your feet are on the ground, you body is connected to the earth like driving a copper pole, down in the ground to connect your electrical system to that.
Some folks go as far as laying naked on the ground, in their backyards, and hour a day, and claim relief, from an array of issues.
I have no idea, if there is merit to this claim or not, but some do.
I’m going back to Mad Hatters Club.

My land was so angry with me and my partner. It’s been several weeks of running around due to work and additional contracts with a combo of a heat wave + thunderstorms so everything got super lush and full… but that has a point of diminishing returns and it’s been well over a week where the growth is hindering.

On top of all of this it was berry picking season in the yard so any hours we had to work out there was relegated to picking, cleaning and freezing fruit!

So I decided that I needed to take some vacation days to get shit in order and I can feel the positive energy beaming back from the yard for my efforts. Over the past 48 hours I’ve burned about 20 of them puttering around resulting in 11x full (and heavy) garden bags with 2 bins of rotting wood debris collected by the city this am :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:

Now I can get back to enjoying the yard again!

:rofl: :v: