Anyone had a "Cobweb" issue?

Ok at the end of my last grow, I chucked all my harvest due to this being seen inside colas. I cleaned the room, Lysol’d the whole room, did some Ortho-Home Defense on the perimeter.

Now I’ve got brand new seedlings (3 days old) & I’m seeing pieces of dirt hanging from strands.

Wtf is going on? Is my soil tainted w/something?

I removed the shell & took closeups of the plant, not seeing any pests.


Looks to me like a predator keeping your plants clean haha


That little piece stuck to the seed shell in the first picture?

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Hmm, it does look like a little strand of webbing and it doesn’t seem to sit like a hair. It could be a good guy or a bad guy; until you isolate a culprit it will be indeterminate. If it is from bad mites, you should be able to find them by looking closely at the undersides of the leaves.


I can’t tell as of yet for pests…

I’d consider reaching out to @JohnnyPotseed for the spray recipe he has posted here. I’m not sure on its shelf life but might be worth having and using


Litfa. Could be part of the seed membrane. If it is some kind of mite you won’t want to bother spraying when you’re only a week in anyway. Just start over.


It last for a good long time, when stored in a cool cabinet after mixing, cuz.

All you need to do when you want to use any of it, is shake it back up good. (oil and water will separate over time just sitting)


I picked up the cup & underneath the cup was another strand with a piece of dirt stuck to it. It’s definitely not a hair. Guess I’ll just keep an eye on it for now until I can identify something.


Interesting! Under the cup with the soil, versus on the plant itself, makes that sound like good guys. You might need a magnifying glass to see them!


So it’s possible all the “strands” of spider like silk that was all the colas were from predators that came in the soil & I didn’t need to throw away 20oz? I thought it was some sort of cobweb like mold. F*$# me.


What were they?

Just read through your budrot posts and man I hope that isn’t the case!! But better safe than sorry when it comes to mold on stuff you’re smoking.

No idea, just guessing at this point. Haven’t seen anything via loupe or usb microscope.

That’s odd…. Maybe just a piece or two that was stuck on something and transferred , I’d put out sticky trap or two, watch it closely

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Could just be a plain old spider started to do something. Like others have said, toss out a few sticky traps and just keep your eyes peeled. Good luck, hopefully it’s nothing bad.

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Bad omen
Could be nothing though.
That Pic give me the creeps

I just threw out my last harvest because I saw these strands in the colas. Tore down everything, sprayed poison around the edges of room, Lysol’d everything. Put up a brand new tent. So whatever it is came from the Happy Frog soil :confused:

@TopShelfTrees1 by sticky traps, you mean the yellow ones we use for fungus gnats? Just cut one in half maybe & lay it on the soil, at base of stem?

Is there a mold that appears as long strands of spider web like material?

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I don’t know, but if you think it was bud rot or mold in the dry flowers it’s best it’s gone (but never forgotten) :slightly_frowning_face:

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Exactly I cut them and put ‘em all over


I will see a strand once in a while, but it’s just basement spiders. I scope my plants if I see one, intensely, but so far all just a web strand to 2 here and there on occasion.