Anyone have a guide on harvesting seeds?

I can’t see why it wouldn’t work tbh. Nature I doubt has it hold onto the bean, but correct me if I’m wrong. In nature they survive the autumn/fall and overwinter. While not all seeds survive. Still the strong live to tbe next generation. In our situations I doubt we’re doing as much damage as nature by cherry picking seeds and carefully planting vs random odds.

Watching this thread though as I may have some seeds to watch out for. Not many, but the calyxes below the buds are looking fat and red haired.


I’ve posted this elsewhere but my go-to seed cleaning system involves a vacuum and a soda bottle:

As for planting right away… it can work but i’ve had greater success after a cold stratification period in my fridge for at least a month.


Sticky seeds the shell needs to dry out some so it can be more easily cracked for the seed to sprout. If you dry the plant to where the seeds are not sticky you can plant them right away.


Oh you kids :joy:


I take dried, heavily seeded bud and run it over a screen.

You end up with smokeable kief in the bin below and most of your seeds on top of the screen.
Then, winnow the chaff of of the screen using a fan (or blowing from underneath) or outdoors on a windy day.


I understand mumryder’s view, certainly a lot work has gone into the grow process especially indoors. :man_farmer:t5:
I was using my wife’s eyebrow tweezers :nerd_face: parting the little husk encapsulating the baby seed to peek at the growth. Again guys thank you for your guidance. :call_me_hand:t4:


When I cleaned my last seed run I dumped the ‘dross’ into my kitchen worm bin.
This included white duds and smallest seeds.

Hundreds have sprouted in there…
That was OG Kush and a Skunk #1 cultivar, perhaps some northern adapted plant might need a ‘stratification’ but these ones sure don’t!



Yes, I have a Northern Lights x Jenny Kush I plucked the seed and popped it…3 days and it was up. It’s growing now. After harvesting I have seen seeds pop up in the pot that was used for the mom. Those nut’s fell from the tree sorta…but seen it more than a few times. They will grow.


Has anyone tried running their seeded flower through a futurola shredder? I’m curious if it would just up the weed enough without breaking seeds… Then run it through the separator.

One seed, uhh two seed. CrUNch bad seed. That’s how many seed it took to get to the center of the POP. Dud.

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That’s an expensive piece of equipment!

@THCeed needs one, lol.

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By fluke I found an item when paired with the correct technique has been a dream for sorting.

It’s a baby’s eating tray, has the perfect edge/lip to hold everything in. Have a video of it in action - I table sorted the bulk already and this is one of the final passes.

When tapped at the right angle the chaff slides into one corner pocket - and the seeds roll into the opposite corner.


Just one example of creatively using what you’ve got, this one was ‘free’ and simple, and it’s been great for cleaning seed.