Safe Fungicide for cannabis

I’m trying a outdoor grow and need to go ahead and get some fungicide, it’s unusually hot and humid still here in Oklahoma. What is a good safe fungicide for cannabis? Can you still use fungicide while in flower and if so what is a good one for this? Hopefully whatever I can find can also be used indoors if needed. I’ve got the insecticide / mitacide but haven’t found the fungicide I want to use yet. I was looking at some sulfur and or copper based sprays but you can’t use that in flower from what I’ve read. I was hoping you could use sulphur all the way cause we do see mildew out here in really humid summers and I was wanting to be preemptive. @JoeCrowe seems to have the sulphur sprays down pat from reading his posts.

Thanks in advance, have a great evening.


You could probably apply some form of beneficial bacteria to help insulate the plant away from harmful microbes.


I use this myself and it is good for indoor and outdoor. I do not think it can be used on a plant in flowering. But I could be wrong.


Humidity isn’t the problem. Instead it’s the infestation that’s already lurking. You should finish it off in the spring, so you don’t need to worry about it again! Never let it get to the bloom stage, always finish it off before then with 2 sprays 14 days apart.

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Right, I’m not sure I have PM but suspect it as I saw white spots all over two plants that look like it, I wiped whatever it was off …so I’m continuing to watch it. Whatever it is it came on quick as I just moved these girls outside 3 days ago and they didn’t have any blemishes. If it is PM what would be the best approach …cause they are in the very beginning stages of flowering?

Aside from PM is there a fungicide you recommend as a preventative while in flower. I see lots of people liking Neem oil but others say it’s not that effective and you shouldn’t use it in flower. I’m curious what people, and commerical ops, use during flower for both pesticides and fungicides that considered safe. I’m compiling a list of what people are using so I know what to try and experiment with if needed.

Thanks Joe.

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I would positively identify it using magnification and then go from there. You got a picture?

No Sir, I snipped the leaves off and threw them in the yard…then I mowed today so I’m sure they are gone. I’ll get a pic if I see it again.

But again, I’m curious what people use as a fungicide, besides for PM, as a preemptive. For example just ordinary bud mold, say you have a few girls not ready at the end of summer before it starts getting really humid again. Neem Oil?

I also have a creek, spring right behind me so I’m sure that might bring in spores etc. I’ve never grown outdoors. I’ve never grown out in the country either…two different variables for me. Even inside the house way more bugs like spiders than I’m used to seeing in the city. There’s a commerical grow op down the street, wonder if that’s why I smell sulphur and garlic sometimes. Pretty strong!

Thanks Joe for responding and your valuable input.

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Check out Safe up to “DAY OF HARVEST”. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Micronized Sulfur, AG fungicide, potassium bicarbonate, the list goes on… I think some people use milk to get rid of PM in its early stage. Bob Hemphill talks about his IPM program on the pot-cast, I think he explains it pretty well.


I have had good results with this product. It was too late to rescue my outdoor harvest, but it put up a hard fight against the Rot.

Also effective as an additive in Octopot hydro, healthy roots!



Regalia, activates the plants defense system for PM.
Natural and preventative.


Milk doesn’t work. It’ll buy you 5 days.
P bicarbonate doesn’t work. It’ll buy you 6 days.
Bleach will buy you 10 days.


Athena IPM

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It’s expensive, but blue magic is a different product derived from a suquesterpene taken from a wild cannabis group that shows being PM proof. I have never used it for PM, but it does work on all sorts of bugs. It’s also all natural and safe to eat or smoke

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If you can help it Keep the birds away from your plants as much as possible i know thats a big task They are like little Feather dusters filled with PM spores.Had a couple barn swallows make a nest in my shed peak and i got pm bad that year and i sulpher everything.Sulpher will kill PM dead in its tracks its the constant reintroduction that fucks us all.The birds had used PM infected plant material as a bedding and were spreading mold spores back and forth.I put the nest under a UV light and look d under a scope was loaded with PM spores.Spores dont just magically appear out of nowhere its usually us with bringing infected plants around or some other means of transport for the mold to get around it had a tendency to winter and hunker down and lay dormant and can be hard to catch till you got it.So far only thing i found to help if your in flower is Dr Zymes cant spray sulpher or neem in flower bad juujuu Zymes that one works pretty good and halts budrot and Destroys PM so you can harvest other parts of your plant and remove infected material with no spread

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When I build a greenhouse. But, there’s others here that have bird feeders out cause they like them which I hate because they poop over everything…not a bird fan. Especially the hummingbirds …those little devils will buzz you like they did the tower in topgun.

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Just for my future reference if I did have to use sulphur …is this a good brand and buy. The plant specific stuff is 1lb of power for almost the same or more price wise.


Regailia makes a very good IPM with knotweed extract also might be worth taking a look

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Says 99% elemental Sulpher yes Sir you are 100% capable to kick PMs ass that’s definitely the stuff to go for.