Anyone have any experience with dyna-gro products?

12? That doesn’t seem ideal for cannabis. I’d think it would be better around 1-1.5

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I too felt like foliage pro had too much N.

Its been like 8 years since I ran DG. But it was a step up from GH. Then I ran Ionic for a while. Then H16 hit the scene and got mad hype. It was $$$ and meh in my opinion.

Frankly, cannabis will thrive with most any nutrient line. Which is why I choose the cheaper route. My nutrients cost me $7.57 a full cycle using 120gal res.

Id be $400 with liquid nutrients

Jacks also makes a finish product which is awesome. 7-15-30 meant to be used with Epsom salt. Lots of Mg and lots of Sulfur.


I almost never use Bloom exclusively. Usually for middle-end of flower it’s half bloom half grow. Ideally I’d cut a little P and add a little more N and K, say 5-10-10-ish would be about perfect IMO. That being said the plants don’t seem to mind one way or the other. Once my Bloom gallon runs dry, I’ll probably switch to “Foliage Pro 9-3-6” for veg and “Grow 7-9-5” for flower. I use 9mL/gallon seedling-near finish.

My gut tells me flowering plants like a little more N and less P than most people use, but functionally I notice very little difference in the various fertilizer ratios.


That seemed to be what I was seeing too. :+1:



P should definitely be lower, but it’s still a decent ratio for mid to late flowering, being a 1-4-2.

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