Anyone have any experience with dyna-gro products?

Been researching Dynagrow products lately. They seem like a great nute brand. Really good ratios, fairly cheap products, and have been around for a really long time. The only negative I have come across, is some say it leaves a nasty taste in the final product. I figured taste mostly had to do with genetics, the dry and cure, and over, and under feeding. I was just wondering if any OG’ers have had any experience with the dyna-gro line, and have had any negative experiences regarding taste in the final product. All and any info is greatly appreciated.


I’ve used there Foliage pro and bloom nutes in hempy buckets . Easy to use and good results. Never had anyone complain about taste.


I use Dyna Gro.

“X-brand of nutes make the bud taste bad” is hogwash.

It’s especially great if you have harder water since it has lower Ca and Mg than most hydroponic formulas. It’s just so damn simple and convenient using a 1 part liquid.

You can use the “Grow” start to finish, or use the “Foliage Pro” for veg and beginning of flower, and switch to “Bloom” after buds have set.

I use 9mL/gallon of Grow for veg and beginning of flower, 9mL of Bloom/gallon for middle/end of flower.

It’s all you need, really. Protekt is helpful. Mag Pro is unnecessary.


Ive used their foliage pro in the past. Got good results. I heard their bloom is lacking.

I switched to dry ferts 5 years ago and havent looked back. So cheap and discreet. Throw the bags away after versus letting nutrient bottles fill your recycling bin


I have used Foliage Pro and found it to be quite effective.
The only reason that I no longer use it is because it is liquid. I simply prefer
powdered dry nutrients. I use soilless blend (ProMix) only as my medium.


“X-brand of nutes make the bud taste bad” is hogwash.
This was always my train of thought also it’s just good hearing it from the horse’s mouth so to speak LOL!

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I’ve been using the maxi series for a few years now, and, it grows plants, but I feel the ratios aren’t the best for cannabis. I always seem to get a k deficiency at the around the third week of flower with maxibloom no matter what I do.

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I definitely would like to start mixing my own raw salts as soon as I get a bit more knowledge on the subject.

Maxi is 14% Potassium…I doubt it’s a K deficiency. Must be something else at play. I loved Maxi but hated dissolving it.

Dyna Bloom is 3-12-6 and it flowers plants fine. I do usually hit it with a little K-heavy bloom booster though.

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I use protekt. I like it.

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Switch to Jacks 321

5-12-26 from Jacks
Calcium Nitrate
Epsom Salt

Its so easy. I take 2 gallons distilled water. Take out roughly 12oz out so i have enough room to add the nutrients and to shake to mix around. Then add my Epsom and Jacks to one and Calcium Nitrate to the other so I need 1oz per gallon.

Max strength I use is 2.4g jacks, 1.6g calcium nitrate and 0.8g Epsom. So thats 278g jacks and 93g Epsom and 186g calcium in the other.

Ill dilute as I feel necessary. Maybe 0.9oz/gal

I never have issues with it like I did with bottled nutrients and ive tried a bunch. Dynagro, flora series, ionic, heavy 16, cultured solutions


I bought the 321, 4 lb off Etsy to mess around with but, I ended up giving it to a friend who was starting out. I do have the jacks 20/20/20. Tried using it on a few moms as a maintenance nute to keep them short, but I started getting some deficiencies so I switched back to the maxi. I know a few people running the 321 and they love it. I’ll probably get myself another four or six pound kit and mess around with it.

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Dynagro is a great product but from my experience it’s still a step behind GH flora series, add AmorSI and your solid.

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I tried it this year outdoors & it seemed a teeny bit high on Nitrogen for some plants in veg, but it flushed out fine in bloom. :man_shrugging: Otherwise very satisfied.



Can I ask why you think it’s a step behind the flora series? The ratios for the three-part seem all out of whack.

The foliage pro does seem a little high in nitrogen. I was checking out their new version of grow on their website, which is a 7-7-7. Might be a little better for a veg and mother plants.

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The plants look stale compared to GH, like they weren’t flourishing as good.

The shitty part about GH is the nutrient Ratios, DG definitely wins on that. I’m more curious how GLN’s new Megacrop and their 2 part nutrient will do in a full run.


I have Fox farms gringo Rasta nute line, that was given to me as a sample. It is an exact copy of the GH flora trio. I have yet to try it on an entire run though.

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Damn, I didn’t even know FF knocked off GH.

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Yeah, I was comparing the labels one day. Only thing different is the dye color. I’m not even sure if they still make gringo Rasta anymore. I’ve seen it a few places and online at discounted prices. I still got my three bottles. I’ll probably never use them lol.

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