Anyone have Clue?

time for specific strain selection and a new grow area with plenty of constant breeze always next season :peace_symbol:


Looking at pictures it does resemble septoria


Looks like Botrytis to me.

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Thank you everyone for the help


Maybe try light dep next year to outrun it? And I agree to look for mold resistant strains. Dynasty genetics is one that comes to mind. He breeds in the pnw.

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look thru these nursery clones in the PNW these strains will work for the central NY area.

Strain Details — Next Generation Nurseries

clones — pacific green growers :peace_symbol:


Look I just found another guy in NY who chopped a few days ago for the same reason apparently.


Im sorry for your buddys loss, that just hurts to hear. I can currently relate, I hate to say this, but Im seeing something somewhat similar, that I have never seen before down here in VA and have already heard of others being affected terribly this year. I dont have a perfect grow by any means but I do use most of the tried and true organic methods, they did absolutely nothing to stop this. The indoor is fine, for now, but something is in the air tonight…all local vegetation around is fine, other garden veggies are fine, this seems to be targeting the cannabis. Normal practices are insufficient to stop the spread. Definitely going to be listening to what others end up experiencing around the north east and if anyone has success with this. I have successfully fought PM and such before. It snuck up on us in a matter of two weeks, just came out of nowhere. I dont know what to believe any more. Woke up and BAM! Bed time horror stories for Real! Stay Vigilant


10-1 its got something to do with climate change


Better focused pictures would be a big help.

Do you know where on the plant the symptoms started? Top, middle or bottom? It makes a difference in what it could be.

It appears to be septoria, but there are a lot of leaf diseases that are similar in appearance.

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10-4 good buddy…loud and clear. That and Monsanto…


“Pre-Pharmacia” :worried:

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‘End-Game’ Mommy got mad :angry:
She’s about to disinfect

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Sleep tight Brothers and Sisters! Gonna beg her forgiveness again tomorrow


kill them kill em all


Thank you everyone


I’m not far from NY, and we just had a bit of heavy rain on top of some pretty humid n muggy days, with some fairly cool nights. The one day it was raining a bit and the sun was still out strong.
So if he was having similar weather maybe it could be related to that. I don’t grow outside, but could imagine that may have negative effects. Hope he can get it figured out. I wish you guys the best of luck.

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It looks like Bud rot caterpillar to me,
Check for droppings if you can

One thing i will do different next season…. This year i used leaf mulch from the town to top off many of my growing areas. I suspect that promoted fungal growth in the soil to some extent. Next year i won’t be using any of that, and will work on better soil choices all around. I gave 1 plant to a next door neighbor and it did better than all the ones i had. He just planted it in the soil, and fertilized 2x. I still have several great looking plants, but i suspect it might have stressed some of the less resilient strains.


WNY weather has gone from sugar to shit for outdoors growing. Cold n wet! 80°f days and low 50°f nights, then a 60°f daytime high. Mid 40’s overnight by end of the week. I recommend autos to my friends as I havent found a wny proof cultivar.