Anyone heard of stellarseeds?

As the topic title says- has anyone heard of and/or used stellarseeds . com to purchase beans? I can’t seem to find anything about them anywhere- reviews, or anything. Looks kinda sketchy to me :thinking: anyone ever gone thru them?

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Never heard of them. If it looks sketchy it’s probably sketchy.

What seeds are you looking for that they have?


I wasn’t really looking for anything particular, just kinda googling random older bodhi packs. They don’t have a ton, but it popped up when I was looking for Bodhi’s Cocoon (HB Loompa x wookie). They claim to be the #1 seedbank in the US :joy: but information on it is nonexistent, so I was just curious lol. It doesn’t look as scammy as some of the ones that are clearly fake

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Those are the verified vendors for his gear.

Check with the folks in the Bodhi guide. Perhaps someone may be able to assist with acquiring!
I it was at Great Lake genetics for a while but does look to be sold out at the moment. Good luck, brother.

Cheers :potted_plant:


Ye, i know all his official vendors. I was looking for seedbanks/resellers that might have old packs vaulted or something. I found a pack of lav jack that way, was seeing if I could find some other gems too lol

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Gotch ya. It’s hard to tell but they are selling real seed co and Mr, nice which I’m almost positive is only sold through their private sites. My guess is this person is buying seeds and reselling at higher prices. The fact you need to request breeder packaging is very suspicious IMO.


The prices are very weird, lol. Can’t round up or down to nearest $?
But I will say they put a lot of effort into making this site so ya got me :person_shrugging:
I’m not sure.


Right?! Like, I can’t decide either. I saw the pack thing too and thought it was sus, but a lot of overseas ones do the same thing to get stuff thru customs (phytosanitary certs and all that bs). The only mention of it I found online was from some Canadian blog, so it made me wonder if they’re based in Canada- in which case that would make sense. But I figured if they were doing the ol repack scam they would at least offer more of the rare/disco strains to get a few more bites. Like most of the bodhi are fairly recent offerings so they’re not unheard of to be in stock some places still. Most of it is priced a lil higher than typical places, but only like ~10% plus shipping so it’s questionable that would be profitable as a reseller. Idk, I almost wanna try ordering a pack just to see :joy: but i don’t wanna throw away $60 either lol

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The area code for their text only phone number is northern Washington (state).

I will say this. I bought a pack of soma seeds from which is absolutely not an official retailer for him as he doesn’t ship to the states. The pack came and was legit in original packaging and the seal wasn’t broken. I emailed them after receiving about how the got them but they never answered me. They were priced higher than somas site. I’m guessing they have a contact in EU that shipped to them to sell.

I’m guessing they buy and resell like you mentioned. I couldn’t find a thing about them. Not a single forum post on any of the known forums mentions them.
They probably got bohdi’s stuff from GLG at $45 a pack and are selling at $55 for the easy $10 profit.
Just my guess as none of their prices seem outrageous either.

They carry everything from Humboldt seed co. I’d email them and ask if they’re distributing to stellar


Washington State oooh I gonna check this out thank u for this


Where do u look this up at in Google lol

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That was my thought :rofl: I might email Humboldt about it, but tbh I didn’t see anything there that I wanted enough to potentially risk losing $ over.

Yes, exactly :joy: googling random bodhi packs and seeing what comes up. If you do decide to order something from let us know how it goes, I’m very curious if it’s legit or a scam lol.


I texted them waiting for reply these are my neighbors lol


Will do will do bud