Anyone here had a vasectomy?

When I got mine the lady gave me a shot to calm me down. She came back later and asked if I was relaxed. I said no I might need another shot. She just laughed and went to work. No second shot for me…


ya my girlfriend lied to me and told me she couldn’t get pregnant because she was ovulating. so i went and googled the definition a couple days later and flipped shit. then she says she never said that. like i didn’t even know that word the week before!!! :angry:

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What a party pooper. You should have been given the second shot for the emotional distress. You lost a bit of yourself that day.


the idea of no condoms is great but I shudder at the thought of the procedure.

Yeah, … No!

I am trying to smoke myself sterile thank you very much!

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The procedure isn’t that bad. They give you a numbing shot then a few seconds you might feel little bit of pressure and it’s over. If you can have a bag of frozen peas for the ride home you might need it. Then a few times over the next couple days. But after that no problem. I went right to work the next day.



That’s great!

Nothing left for the Dr to work with!

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Ow My balls. :wink:

Idiocracy was funny.

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I had a friend that had it done and said that a large bag of FROZEN PEAS are a man’s best friend for recovery! LOL!


I’m guessing someone didn’t like her talent :laughing:

I deleted two off topic post. It was funny though.

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Wasn’t bothering me. What’s the OG policy on images like that though? Asking for a friend lol.

It’s a tough decision. The reason I deleted the post was it was off topic. Most of the time we will delete meme or gif used to express opinions in a negative way.

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Understood. I hadn’t stumbled upon any rules stating “risky” images were off limits so I thought I’d ask. Back to our regularly scheduled topic!

We encourage free speech and an open discussion on all topics. We only ask our members to argue with facts and stay on topic.

I can move post to the Shark Tank to continue the discussion if needed.

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Nah, that’s not necessary.

Looks like it isn’t gonna be too bad. I think i’m gonna just bite the bullet and schedule a consult so I can get the ball rolling.

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I had one in 1996. Everybody I met that had one told these horrible stories of balls swollen to the size of grapefruits, dog jumping into a lap, pain while walking, etc. I actually worked with a guy in 1976 that came to work the next day in a powerplant and then took the next 3 days off.

My experience, however, had no resemblance to those horror stories whatsoever. I got it on a Friday morning, and had arranged to go back to work Tuesday. The only bad moment I had was when my petite cat walked across my lap. If you have small kids or pets, put a pillow on your lap while relaxing.

I could have gone back to work on Monday, but it was a good excuse for a day off. :wink: If you do it, I highly advise you exaggerate your discomfort and stretch it out for as long as the missus will take it. :wink:


Oooohh. Couldn’t agree more



My oldest brother had a vasectomy and he told me horror stories about the pain and problems that he had after it. I wanted to get one after my GF got knocked up (birth control pills failed) and then she had a miscarriage when I was 42. She nearly bled to death. Also I did not want kids. So I searched and found a urologist that does no-scalpel sutureless vasectomies in Los Gatos, where I was living at that time. I explained to him that my brother had a lot of pain and problems after, so he said he could leave the lower tubes open and tie off the tops, and snip out a one inch gap between them.

The procedure was pretty easy and painless. Of course I was given a local anesthetic. I was pretty sore for a few days after, but there were no stitches or scarring. After a week I was fine. After a month they did a sperm test and I was ‘good to go’, according to the nurse. I have never regretted it, and I had no complications or later pain like my brother. No more birth control required; no more condoms, no more IUDs, no more diaphragms, no more spermicidal jelly (talk about a turn off), no more sponges, no more pills, no more oopses, no issues with libido near or longer term. No scars with this method either. My medical insurance covered it. In the state of California I had to wait 30 days before getting it, and sign various forms.

Were I to do it again I would have done it earlier in my life. No regrets. There is nothing better than skin on skin sex w/o any birth control crap to get in the say!

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BTW, some pot smokers have about a 30% reduction in sperm count. Not that the lower sperm count is any kind of birth control, but if you have a low count to begin with, that may be a factor if you are trying to get pregnant. Pot smoking can also lower your white blood cell count.