Anyone here had a vasectomy?

What up Chic? How is he now a days?

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Then you should disagree with a vasectomy. Murdering baby shit is religious propaganda. Leave the religious crap outta his thread. Said in the nicest possible wayā€¦

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yep had one 20 years ago. Its much easier for a guy to get done than messing with a womans plumbing, and besides havenā€™t they wrecked their bodies enough making a family with ya??? Just cutā€™em tie em and burn em thru a little hole in your sack. It was done outpatient and fully concious. The drugs were great, musta been the date rape drug as I couldā€™ve cared less what they were doin down there. the only gross part was smelling your vas deferens burn. Similar to teeth drill smell but different LOL. But seriously I had 3 concerns 1 will I still ejaculate the same amount? 2 Will it affect my hormone level going forward as I age 3 will it hasten prostate degredation due to age. No No NO were the answers I recieved then. after 20 years Iā€™m not sure of the effect on my prostate as it is getting a bit weary with slowly climing PSA test values but I canā€™t say there is a causal linkā€¦ No problems with hormone imbalance or ejaculation results. What I did notice immediately after recovery (which is easy and not painful as described above) was a slight difference in the mechanics of my orgasms. For better or worse, they became a little longer and not quite as abrupt a peak when getting to climax. Kinda hard to describe except ā€˜ya cum more like a womanā€™ if that makes sense. All in all I wouldnā€™t hesitate to do it again as the benefits of no birth control and all and also telling your wife ā€œIf I go through this, you can never refuse sex with me ever again, headache or not!ā€ is worth it LOL. All the awesome jokes and the ability to spread your seed without worry of germination just canā€™t be valued! And its WAY easier to reverse vasectomies than for women to go through a reversal operation. Anything you want to ask, I can relate my experiences no prob. You can IM if it is too personal.

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itā€™s not religious itā€™s scientific. a lot of people donā€™t realize birth control pills work in that way. very relevant. whether you care or not if you are murdering babies is up to you. and a vasectomy is not the same as it actually prevents conception unlike most birth control pills. the only difference between birth control pills/IUDs and abortions or miscarriages is how old the fetus is

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Murdering babies is a scientific term is it? Talking about viability of a fetus as it were a human with individual rights is again religious propaganda, subject of endless debate. A woman has the right to control her reproductive process or stop it. If you donā€™t agree, just donā€™t have one. Not ONE single anti-abortion protester I have engaged is agnostic or atheist therefore in my experience the arguement against ALWAYS reveals itself as spiritually based. This OP was asking about having a vasectomy, but someone always opens their bible and directly/indirectly shames them with GARGABE. Same thought process that had to be litigated against so Canadian ADULT women could be recognised as human beings under the law. Apologies Jelly, no more from me. legalcanada and I will take it to the smokers den free for all from now on

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Guys Keep it on topic, Move to the shark tank if you wanna debate this shit.

sorry @Jellypowered and @Cannasaurusrex and anyone else i may have offended. i was mostly being sarcastic and i realize now this is a touchy issue for people and i was being extremely inappropriate. i believe in individual rights and whatā€™s best for someone may not be best for others and everyone should do whatever they feel they should or want to do. personal freedom for everyone, god bless the west!


You didnā€™t offend me. One of my favorite things about this site is how mostly chill it is. I just donā€™t wanna see people arguing over religion or politicsā€¦ Iā€™m sure there is a separate category for those kinds of discussions and thatā€™s why Iā€™ll never visit those lol.


Duly noted. Good talking to legalcanada, sorry to any offended overgrower.


I guarantee Hubby gets laid alot more than he did when he could knock me up, if that weighs into the decision making process.


Haha, good to know. Iā€™m sure the Wifey will feel the same. I still need to get the ā€œballā€ rolling on this lol.

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Thats too funny, as I made a deal with wifey that after the big v she couldnā€™t say no (she never did anyway) ever again. LOL. Yeah, it just wasnā€™t fair for my wife (after 3 kids 1 being a c-section) to continue with birth control pills while being tokers and smokers, I thought it was just too risky for her health going forward. Now after menopause thereā€™s no worry of pregnancy either, but I would never consider reversal, even though my 3rd (and last) prostate stricture procedure was a fucking nightmare. I still donā€™t regret the vasectomy, it was the least I could do for the love of my life, and made our years of post child sexuality better than anything I could have imagined. Never ever had to hesitate when the urge came upon us, at home, in the car, on the beach etc.etc. Put the spontinaety back into our physical relationship, which a couple needs when parenting kids. One observation a divorced youngish guy made to me was: " You know those 50 plus and senior couples that you see holding hands and kissing still? Well, they still have a healthy sex life." At 55, I can say that millenial was right on the money. Thanks Melvan you triggered some great memories, Iā€™d sacrifice just about anything for my wife and kids, cutting my balls loose was a no-brainer for me. Still happy and kids in thier 20ā€™s, Iā€™m a lucky guy.


@Jellypowered: What happened with this? Have you done it yet, or are you still discussing the relative merits of it with the wife? Come on, dish. :ear:


Haha, i am going to get one, but Iā€™m going to wait until this winter to go through with it, the house should be done by then and Iā€™ll be able to afford it.

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Hit her in the muff with a stick or tell her to get sterilised bro. Why should it be on you? Lol. No chance anyone will be tying my soldiers up

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yeah, I had this conversation not to long ago with my wife, I just donā€™t know how I feel about it. Donā€™t really want to get it done.

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I didnā€™t want my wife to take the risk and i knew i never wanted kids.


After 5 kids I got mine lol. I havenā€™t had any problems with it.

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@Jellypowered, got your next excuse lined up yet? rofl

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Yeahā€¦ I have to pay for this with my hard earned cashā€¦ I donā€™t know any guy that would pay someone to willingly mutilateā€¦ errrā€¦ scratch that I do know a coupleā€¦

I donā€™t have medical insurance so for now condoms will have to do lol.