Anyone in Newcastle hook a brother up?

Any folks here from Newcastle? I know there’s one at least. Hoping to find a hookup whilst we’re here fixing the boat up a bit. Also boatyard owners got a load of shop lights to shift cheap as chips if anyone needs any for cuts/early veg. Collect only on those £5 a piece will get pics tomorrow


Our little yoghurt pot is scrubbing up alright but we’re due to see an ex navy boat tomorrow. It’s a proper project but It looks like it would make a cracking houseboat


Is living on a boat the goal? I had a dream like this for awhile until I found out that the mooring fees in my city are as much as rent for a small apartment.

Dream dead.

Looks very nice.


It’s always been a goal of mine. Anything off grid is a winner for me bro. The mooring you see the yoghurt pot on (the river Tyne) which is not my city Newcastle but I like it so far here. is £100 a month. The boatyard owner is employing us to work on his boat at the same time so technically making not spending money being on the water. And electric hookup is free.


Possibly maybe possibly sorted a smoke. Courtesy of one of our esteemed members. Will update soon. Maybe after a journey. Maybe not :cowboy_hat_face:


May all your ventures prove positive, successful, and rewarding, Bro. Take care, stay safe, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Thankyou brother. Not all have to end well. It’s about the journey more than anything. I’m taking care and staying safe. But I’m still recovering from a broken spine from a bad car crash. Trying my hardest to avoid taking opiates (codeine) appreciate you @misterbee :blue_heart:


Hi man, sorry to hear you had a bad accident, I wondered where you went.

After I fucked my neck up badly, I was given the option of opiates or weed by my doc, I chose weed. The damage to your kidneys, liver, blood circulation, as well as respiratory and the brain damage from lack of oxygen to it, kind of made me decide to persevere with the weed.

My niece, in the UK was on opiates for 6 years after a bad car crash, had to go to a clinic to get off them, it took 4 months and cost 250,000 pounds. Luckily her insurance company covered it or she would probably be dead now from organ failure.

I went on a low carb diet and intermittent fasting program last year eating only in a 5 hour window, to lose weight, I also did fasting up to 6 days, the first week of every month, one of the side effects of fasting over 48 hours is a high production of macrophages, they clean out all the damaged and old cells in the body, these cells get replaced when food comes back into the system, your body also produces larger quantities of stem cells from the stress of no food, along with growth hormone, also being created at over 5,000 times the normal amount, and repair damage in the body as well as turn back the age of the your body.

I went back to my neurologist, last October I think it was, he was really confused and could not believe my nerve damage and reflexes were improving, it shouldn’t happen according to him. He noticed I had lost over 100 lbs since he last saw me, so we had a discussion on fasting and its benefits, he didn’t think it was that, that helped, but was going to look into it. His thinking was, my head had lost a couple of pounds in weight and was not stressing my neck so much lol. My neck appears to be improving now all the time.

I know it seems a bit extreme but once your body gets used to eating in a short window and no food for 6 days once a month, I could go longer, but my blood pressure drops drastically on day 6 and I nearly black out every time I stand up lol, it doesn’t really bother me that much otherwise, unless I cook for the wife 5 days into the fast lol, but the benefits I am finding outweigh any of the negatives for my health.


It’s been a tough couple years really but that was the icing on the cake bro. It’s been around 6 months now but it’s still bad. Not being helped by the work I’m doing at the moment. But without doing the work I’d be in a worse position if that makes sense. I wish we got the option of opiates or weed over here. I was given opiates and nerve blockers for the first few months. Still can’t sleep lay down which probably doesn’t sound too bad but honestly I fucking hate it.

The fasting sounds like it did really good for you. I’d love to hear more. For tonight I’ve just taken codeine phosphate and hoping to get a decent night sleep. And then can go and pick up a decent smoke tomorrow which should last a good while.

Ngl though for a skinny guy me and food have a real good relationship. As in I eat a hella lot :sweat_smile: I’m glad you’re recovering well now. And definitely happy you found the solution that works for you :sunglasses: you’ll have to forgive the vague reply. I’m kinda feeling the not good kinda spaced right now :100:


No problem man, I was the same for the first 3 years, the weed helped but only with the lower level pain, when it was bad all I could do was try not move very much, but I had to keep shifting positions every 30 or so minutes as the pain from being in one position creeps in, not getting decent sleep was the worst part for me.

I guess I was lucky that we had a line if credit on the house equity, to cover the bills that the disability pension was not covering but the lack of money was very stressful in itself, but not working or doing anything really for those first 3 years, helped big time with the pain.

It was only when I tried to do something and over did it that the pain would get worse than the weed could deal with. So I learned the hard way to keep within the limits of how much the weed could kill the pain.

I was thinking last night, if you are not carrying any excess weight, long fasting is probably not the route to go down. Although I find now that I have reached my target weight and know what my food intake levels are, I can gain the weight back in the rest of the month left, after the long fast by eating more calories.

Thus allowing me to keep long fasting and my body repairing itself with the positive stress it creates in my system, making stem cells and high amounts of growth hormone.

It’s a bit like weight training you have to bulk up first to create more muscle, and then work off the fat and keep your muscle definition. If you struggle to gain weight that’s going to be hard for you though.

Intermittent fasting just eating your normal amount of calories in a 6 hour window helps the body tremendously, 80% of the energy derived from food goes into digesting it.

If your eat 3 times a day, your body spends most of its time digesting food, but when eaten in a short time frame of 6 hours your body gets 18 hours of rest to focus on healing, you will still get some extra growth hormone, macrophage and stem cell production, it’s just not as much as you would with a long fast.

The food in your diet can also help tremendously with reducing inflammation, clearing toxins that hamper cell regeneration and boosting growth hormone and testorone to speed up the repair.

It’s not an overnight thing, but after 6 months I started to feel a lot less pain everywhere, better mental clarity from better sleep, fuck, even my hair stated growing back from the areas it was thinning at lol.

I can dig out some links to doctors who I have used for my info if you want :+1:


Yeah I feel the not getting decent sleep. TBf really need to get new foam and fabric to make the seats/bunks up nicely. That would be awful having to pay for medical care though. We’re so lucky here with the NHS :100:

I can understand that. Only when you do too much it gets bad. At the moment I’m working on my own boat and a ship for wages so some of my days are like 14 hours straight work. Couple hours chill and maybe 5-6 sleep.

I am actually quite slim so fasting may not be the best thing. especially when I’m climbing masts and stuff. Get dizzy when I get too hungry. I probably eat like 5 times a day though ngl :sweat_smile:

I appreciate it works for you but I’m sot sure that’s gonna be my best method given circumstances. I’ll still have a read up on any information you send though :100:

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Also big thanks to @Esrgood4u for the hookup of various samples :grin: auto fem seeds and few pints brother. Was a pleasure to meet you in person :sunglasses: see you again soon :100::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Your welcome mate. :v:


Es a proper northern bloke like :grin: that an old MGB you got her eye on dude? Thought MTB at first but it’s not 70ft eh


It’s an old naval boat bro. 43ft teak hull. That’s been sat 2 years since those pics. Think we’re gonna compromise on a bigger GRP. We’re on a kingfisher 20 at the moment so it’s very tiny living :sweat_smile: and he is a proper northern bloke. Top fella :100: I only wanted to buy a 20 bud local :sunglasses:


Wish I was closer cos I could do with a good party but I rarely even make it as far as Glasgow these days. Probably best avoiding anything with a wooden hull. GRP is easier to fix up and sell on. Steel hulls can make good houseboats if you spray foam insulation all over the inside.

You could start by collecting skips :grin:


We are bang on the Tyne. You know you’d have a bunk on board anyway if you’re nimble enough to do that much ducking :sweat_smile: yeah I agree on wooden hull. I’d love a Dutch de Groot but far too rich for our blood right now. They do get cold uninsulated. But they make a lovely houseboat for a family of 4 at 42ft


So now it definitely has “fog on the Tyne” :rofl:


Way aye man :sunglasses:


Best Geordie saying EVER… :+1: